Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |


LABEL CALL routine
LABEL= data set option
LABEL statement
compared to ATTRIB statement
compared to statement labels
LABEL system option
for SAS data sets
statement labels
labels, associating with variables
labels, with variables in SAS procedures
LAG function
landscape orientation
languages, for international date informats and formats
Laplace distributions
cumulative distribution functions
probability density functions
_LAST_= system option
LBOUND function
LEAVE statement
compared to CONTINUE statement
LEFT function
LEFTMARGIN= system option
LENGTH function
compared to VLENGTH function "VLENGTH"
compared to VLENGTH function "VLENGTH"
LENGTH= option, INFILE statement
LENGTH statement
compared to ATTRIB statement
length, associating with variables
less than (<) operator, where statement
less than or equal (<=) operator, where statement
LGAMMA function
LIBNAME function
LIBNAME statement
compared with CATNAME statement
compared with FILENAME statement
data from a DBMS
joining two DBMS tables (example)
ORACLE data, accessing (example)
specifying SAS/ACCESS information with macros (example)
LIBREF function
associating with SAS/ACCESS table or view
keeping previous libref in current SAS session
SAS data libraries "LIBNAME"
SAS data libraries "LIBREF"
license information, altering
like operator, where statement
LINE= option
FILE statement
INFILE statement
line pointer controls
INPUT statement
PUT statement
line-hold specifiers
INPUT statement
PUT statement
LINESIZE= option, FILE statement
compared to LRECL= option, FILE statement
LINESIZE= option, INFILE statement
LINESIZE= system option
LINESLEFT= option, FILE statement
LINK statement
compared to GO TO statement
LIST command, DATA step debugger
list input
LIST option
CATNAME statement
FILENAME statement, FTP access
list output
%LIST statement
LIST statement
Listing destination
SAS name literals
little endian platforms, byte ordering
little endian platforms, byte ordering on
LOG argument, FILE statement
LOG function
Log window
log, console
LOG10 function
LOG2 function
base 10
base 2
natural logarithms
of gamma function
of probability functions
of survival functions
logistic distributions
cumulative distribution functions
probability density functions
lognormal distributions
cumulative distribution functions
probability density functions
LOGPDF function
LOGSDF function
LOSTCARD statement
LOWCASE function
lowercase letters
in arguments
lowercase, converting arguments to
LRECL= argument
FILENAME statement, CATALOG access
LRECL= option, FILE statement
compared to LINESIZE= option, FILE statement
LRECL= option, FILENAME statement
FTP access
SOCKET access
URL access
LRECL= option, INFILE statement
LS option
FILENAME statement, FTP access
LSFILE= option
FILENAME statement, FTP access

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |