Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |

Special Characters

/ (slash) division operator, where statement
& (ampersand) argument
INPUT statement, list input
& (ampersand) format modifier, definition
& (ampersand) logical and operator, where statement
= (equal) operator, where statement
<= (less than or equal) operator, where statement
< (less than) operator, where statement
¬ (not sign) logical not operator, where statement
~ (tilde) argument
INPUT statement, list input
~ (tilde) format modifier, definition
~ (tilde) logical not operator, where statement
() (parentheses) order of operations operator, where statement
* (asterisk) multiplication operator, where statement
=* (equal asterisk) sounds-like operator, where statement
** (asterisks) exponentiation operator, where statement
+ (plus sign) positive number operator, where statement
+ (plus) operator, where statement
- (minus sign) negative number operator, where statement
- (minus) operator, where statement
: (colon) format modifier, definition
; (semicolon), in data lines
>= (greater than or equal) operator, where statement
> (greater than) operator, where statement
? (question mark) character string operator, where statement
@ (at sign) line-hold specifier, PUT statement
@@ (at signs) line-hold specifier, PUT statement
^ (carat) logical not operator, where statement
^= (not equal) operator, where statement
| (vertical bar) logical or operator, where statement
|| (vertical bars) concatenation operator, where statement

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |