November 06, 2019

Fall Dinner 2019

Annual SFURA Fall Dinner    

Location: At Trattoria Hall on the grounds of the Italian Cultural Centre at 3075 Slocan Street, Vancouver.

MAPItalian Cultural Centre

Wednesday November 6th, 2019 from 5:00 pm onwards

Please join us to mingle with members and guests.

The subsidized price is $45.00 per person which includes an excellent buffet selection, one glass of complimentary wine, assorted deserts, coffee and tea. 

Your preregistration and payment are needed by Friday, November 1st to notify the Hall with total number of participants for their catering and seating purposes.

The extensive Italian buffet dinner will include:
*slow roast dijon crusted beef served in demi sauce
*salmon filet with fennel sauce
*citrus roasted *chicken
*an extensive variety of salads, pasta, and vegetables 
*coffee or tea and dessert

A No Host Bar and soft drinks will also be available starting at 5:30

Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm

You may purchase additional tickets for non-members and guests.

We invite members to share their poetry, songs, or comedy sketches with the group.  Please contact Walter or Frances.

DINNER REGISTRATION and PAYMENT  Purchase your Fall Dinner Ticket(s). Include Guest names if applicable. (NOTE You do not need a PayPal account to pay via SFURA's Paypal system Simply use your own credit card to purchase).

2019 Fall Dinner Payment
Name(s) of Guest(s)

Or if you prefer, please provide a personal cheque, payable to SFURA, include information on those who will be attending and mail it to the address provided below.

Member Name________________  . Partner or Guest(s)________________ .

Number attending  ____   X $45.00 = ________ TOTAL

Please emailthe SFURA Office if you are planning to attend at:

Complete your Registration and advance payment by Friday November 1st 2019 and send to:
Attention: Ms. Annie Ye, 
SFURA Administrative Assistant

Room 3048, Academic Quadrangle 



E-Transfer payments option for paying.

SFURA members now have the option to e-transfer their payment. If you choose this method, then: 

1    logon to your online banking (or mobile app)
2    set "” as a new recipient in your account (only on first use)
3    click on ‘Transfer Money’, then ‘Send e-transfers’ [or something similar]
4     fill in email address:
5     fill in amount
6    there will be a space to enter a memo. The payer needs to note the purpose of payment: e.g. ‘dues’ or ‘AGM’, etc. This will appear on the notification sent to
7 press Send
