Living your friends' dream: Restoring a farmhouse in Italy

January 22, 2013

Adam Horvath and Sharon Bailin will present this talk with slides at 12 noon in the Halpern Centre.  This is the first of the Spring 2013 SFURA seminar series.  All members of the SFU community are welcome to attend these events. The talks are free and no registration is required.

Adam and Sharon “accidentally” bought an old farmhouse in 2004. While they were attempting to make it more comfortable/modern, they discovered that its plain appearance hid some charming old features and the renovation became more like a restoration. Two and a half years of adventures with building Italian style followed. They will talk about the adventures of buying and restoring a farmhouse, followed by some information about country living (and working) in Italy. Sharon was in the Faculty of Education. Adam was also in Education with a cross appointment in Psychology.