Coach Tour: Wine and Chocolates in the Valley

April 16, 2003

Calling all Oenophiles and Chocoholics!!! We will be touring two wineries and the award-winning Chocolate Cottage.

Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2003
Transportation: Chartered Premier Pacific Coach (capacity 48 passengers)
Former Shell Station on SFU Burnaby Mountain Campus
Times: Assemble at 10:00 AM
Depart at 10:20 AM
Return (estimated) at 4:30 PM
Parking: West Mall Parkade. Remember, your SFURA Membership Card entitles you to occasional free parking.
Music (on
board bus:)
Group singing. "100 bottles of Wine on the wall", "Drink, Drink, Drink" (clink, er, click on link at bottom of this page), etc.
Places we'll
Lunch: Box lunch provided
Cost: $39.00/person all-inclusive (transportation, admission fees, tour fees, lunch, and taxes)
Reservations: Download the Wine and Chocolates in the Valley Reservation Form

Your reservation-form and payment MUST be received by MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2003.  But understand that the coach seats only 48 passengers and that all tickets may be sold before April 7.  So reserve early so as not to be disappointed.

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