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Our faculty and students publish academic books and journal articles, policy reports, and journalistic writing and op-eds.

Featured faculty and student publications

Books and Book Chapters

Kennedy Stewart (2023) Decrim: How We Decriminalized Drugs in British ColumbiaHarbour Publishing. 

David A. Green, Jonathan Rhys Kesselman, Daniel Perrin, Gillian Petit, and Lindsay M. Tedds (2023) Basic Income and a Just Society: Policy Choices for Canada’s Social Safety NetInstitute for Research on Public Policy. 

Genevieve LeBaron, Jessica Pliley & David W. Blight (eds)(2021) Fighting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: History and Contemporary Policy.Cambridge University Press.

Olena Hankivsky and Julia Jordan-Zachery (2019) (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Intersectionality in Public PolicyPalgrave.

Kathleen Maiman and J. R. Kesselman, co-editors (2018) The Laser Inventor: Memoirs of Theodore H. MaimanSpringer Nature.

Kennedy Stewart, Michael Chong, & Scott Simms (2017) Turning Parliament Inside Out: Practical Ideas for Reforming Canada's DemocracyDouglas & McIntyre.