Course Descriptions

PHYS 321: Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism

Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism

PHYS 321

Development and application of Maxwell's equations in vector differential form. Notation and theorems of vector calculus; electric charge, fields, potentials, capacitance and field energy; conductors; methods for solving electrostatic problems; electric fields in matter; electrical current and the magnetic field; Ampere's law and the vector potential; magnetic fields in matter; electromotive force, electrical resistance, Faraday's law and inductance; Maxwell's correction to Ampere's law and electromagnetic waves. Prerequisite: PHYS 121 or PHYS 126 or PHYS 141 (or PHYS 102 with a minimum grade of B); MATH 252 or MATH 254; MATH 260 or MATH 310. All prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of C-, unless specified. Quantitative.

PHYS 326: Electronics and Instrumentation

Electronics and Instrumentation

PHYS 326

Circuits and circuit theory, passive and active devices, amplifiers, feedback, modern measurement techniques and instrumentation. Prerequisite: PHYS 234 with a minimum grade of C-. Quantitative.

PHYS 332W: Optics Laboratory

Advanced Physics Laboratory I


Experiments investigating a range of physical phenomena such as Brownian motion, molecular order, chaotic dynamics, Doppler broadening of stellar spectra, and biophysical forces using techniques such as interference, optical trapping, and spectroscopy. Attention will also be given to more general skills, including experimental design, operating and troubleshooting experimental equipment, modeling of experimental results, data analysis, and the presentation of experimental results. Biological Physics students will do a selected set of experiments. Prerequisite: PHYS 233; PHYS 285 or CHEM 260; both with a minimum grade of C-. Writing/Quantitative.

PHYS 344: Thermal Physics

Thermal Physics

PHYS 344

Heat, temperature, heat transfer, kinetic theory, laws of thermodynamics, entropy, heat engines, applications of thermodynamics to special systems, phase transitions. Prerequisite: PHYS 121 or PHYS 126 or PHYS 141 (or PHYS 102 with a minimum grade of B); MATH 251; both with a minimum grade of C-. Quantitative.

PHYS 346: Energy and the Environment 

Energy and the Environment

PHYS 346

The physical principles and limitations of renewable energy source utilization and energy conversion. A quantitative introduction to energy conversion and storage systems, including solar power and heating; wind, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric and nuclear power, hydrogen technology, electrical and mechanical energy storage. Prerequisite: CHEM 120 or 121; PHYS 102 or 121 or 126 or 141; MATH 152 or 155; all with a minimum grade of C-. Quantitative.


Introduction to Biological Physics

PHYS 347

A physics perspective on cellular structure and composition; random walks and diffusion; properties of fluids, cell motion; entropy and the properties of soft materials; structure and function of proteins; signal propagation in nerves. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 units including CHEM 122; MATH 152 or MATH 155; PHYS 102 or PHYS 121 or PHYS 126 or PHYS 141; all with a minimum grade of C-. Recommended: BISC 101. Quantitative.

PHYS 365: Semiconductor Device Physics

Semiconductor Device Physics

PHYS 365

Structure and properties of semiconductors, semiconductor theory, theory and operation of semiconductor devices, semiconductor device technology. Students with credit for ENSC 224 or ENSC 324 may not take PHYS 365 for further credit. Corequisite: PHYS 285 and PHYS 321, or permission from the department. Quantitative.

PHYS 384: Methods of Theoretical Physics I

Methods of Theoretical Physics I

PHYS 384

Applications of mathematical methods in physics, differential equations of physics, eigenvalue problems, solutions to wave equations. Prerequisite: MATH 252 or 254; MATH 260 or MATH 310; PHYS 211; PHYS 255 or ENSC 320. All prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of C-. Quantitative.

PHYS 385: Quantum Mechanics I

Quantum II

PHYS 385

Stern-Gerlach experiments and the structure of quantum mechanics; operators; angular momentum and spin; Schrödinger equation and examples for time evolution; systems of two spin-½ particles; density operators; wave mechanics in one dimension including the double slit experiment, particle in a box, scattering in one dimension, tunnelling; one-dimensional harmonic oscillator; coherent states. Prerequisite: MATH 252 or MATH 254; MATH 260; PHYS 255; PHYS 285 or ENSC 380 or CHEM 260. All prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of C-. Recommended Prerequisite: PHYS 211. Quantitative.

PHYS 390: Introduction to Astrophysics

Introduction to Cosmology and Astrophysics

PHYS 390

Evolution of the universe, modern cosmological models, origins of matter and entropy in the universe. Big Bang nucleosynthesis, formation of large-scale structure and galaxies, planetary systems. Prerequisite: PHYS 211 with a minimum grade of C-. Quantitative.

PHYS 395: Computational Physics

Computational Physics

PHYS 395

Computer-based approaches to solving complex physical problems. Includes topics such as Monte-Carlo and molecular dynamics techniques applied to thermal properties of materials; dynamical behavior of systems, including chaotic motion; methods for ground state determination and optimization, including Newton-Raphson, simulated annealing, neural nets, and genetic algorithms: symplectic methods; and analysis of numerical data. Prerequisite: MATH 260 or MATH 310; PHYS 255; CMPT 120 or equivalent. All prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of C-. Quantitative.