
Physics Score Big at Teaching Awards

October 20, 2023

The Department of Physics has a trio of winners for the 2022-23 Faculty of Science Excellence in Teaching Awards.

Daria Ahrensmeier won a Faculty Teaching Award in the Early Career Category.  She was recognized for the redevelopment of PHYS 140/141 and her work on the curriculum for a new undergraduate certificate in Quantum Information.  She is a mentor and leader in Quantum Science and Physics education at the both provincial and national levels.

Steve Dodge was recognized with a Faculty Teaching Award for his engaging and innovative teaching in both lectures and labs throughout his career across the curriculum at all levels.  He has been active at taking on leadership roles in the department, having served as the Chair of the Graduate Program Committee as well as the Faculty Coordinator of the Physics Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Alliance (IDEA).

Aleksei Bunevich won a Graduate Student Teaching Award for his contributions as a Teaching Assistant.  He demonstrated high levels of care and engagement with students in four large first-year classes, even during the challenging pandemic years.
