Research Reports

SFU’s Vice-President, Research and Innovation leads the following reports that are available to our community and the general public.

Strategic Research Plan Progress Report

SFU's 2016-2022 Strategic Research Plan (SRP) Progress Report was created and shared with the SFU community in January 2022 and helped inform the development of SFU's 2023-2028 SRP, along with community consultations and feedback surveys. 

Download (.pdf)

Centres and Institutes Executive Summary

Over 60 research centres and institutes directly contribute to SFU’s position among Canada’s top universities in research impact. SFU's Research Centres and Institutes support collaborative research to confront key scientific and global challenges, foster creative interaction and stimulate engagement with students and visiting scholars. The Centres and Institutes Executive Summary for 2023 was presented to the SFU Board of Governors in May 2024.

Download (.pdf)

Community Trust Endowment Fund Report

The SFU Community Trust was established to oversee the planning and development of UniverCity, a sustainable master-planned community adjacent to SFU’s Burnaby campus. The purpose of the endowment fund is to support knowledge generation and knowledge transfer through research, scholarship and training. The CTEF Progress Report and Operational Plan was developed to report on the past fiscal year (FY 2022) and to provide the operational plan for fiscal years 2023 and 2024. 

Download (.pdf)

SFU Board of Governors Open Session Report

The Board of Governors is the senior governing body at SFU constituted under the University Act. SFU Board members do not receive any remuneration for their services to the Board. The overall responsibility for the business of the university (property, revenue and policies) is vested in the Board. Board meetings occur approximately every three months. SFU’s Vice-President, Research and Innovation (VPRI) submits an Open Session Report for these meetings.

Note: Updates after July 2023 are available on President's Board Reports webpage. if you would like to see any other Open Session Reports from 2021 or other years past, please email

Faculty Spotlight reports

Between 2020 and 2021, the VPRI shared Faculty Spotlight Reports at the Board of Governors meetings. Eight reports were distributed, spotlighting each of SFU's faculties.