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From IT Services | SFU Vault licensing changes
This message is being sent to all SFU faculty and staff. No response is required.
Good afternoon,
SFU Vault’s vendor support license expires on January 31st, 2022.
What this means to you
Nothing will change within SFU Vault; it will remain fully supported by IT Services. The change you will see is an unlicensed notice while logging in to the SFU Vault web portal. IT Services will also no longer be able to increase your storage limit.
As part of IT Services' commitment to sustaining virtual collaboration options at SFU, we are taking steps to replace SFU Vault with more modern alternatives, such as OneDrive/MS Teams.
As we prepare to replace SFU Vault in early 2023, we will provide advance notice and support for those who need help moving to alternative solutions.
OneDrive/MS Teams
We encourage you to explore OneDrive and MS Teams as choices for file collaboration and storage within the university. Both OneDrive/MS Teams are FIPPA compliant and are recommended by IT Services as secure alternatives. For more information, and steps on how to migrate files from SFU Vault to OneDrive/MS Teams, visit https://www.sfu.ca/information-systems/services/sfu-vault/how-to-guides/sfu-vault-migration.html
IT Services