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From Catherine Dauvergne | Community Consultation: Policy A32.01 Awards for Teaching Excellence
Dear University Community members,
Please provide us with your input on the proposed revisions to Policy A32.01: Awards for Teaching Excellence.
SFU values excellence in teaching, and the updates to our award program reflect our commitment to recognize outstanding educators. Proposed changes to Policy A32.01 include more clearly defining excellence in teaching, increasing the awards available (focused on different career stages and aspects of teaching valued by SFU), increasing the renumeration for the Excellence in Teaching Award, and procedures aimed at raising the profile of and building community around teaching at SFU.
Please submit your feedback to Elizabeth Elle, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Learning and Teaching by Friday, March 18, 2022, via her confidential assistant: avp_ltsec@sfu.ca.
Revisions to the policy were made in consultation with recent Excellence in Teaching Award Committees, and the current Senate Committee for University Teaching and Learning (SCUTL). In addition to this solicitation for feedback, the proposed revisions will be brought to Senate for consultation at the March meeting. Feedback received will be further considered by SCUTL, after which a revised policy will be brought to Senate for decision before being sent to the Board for decision.
Input you provide is collected under the authority of the University Act and SFU Policy B10.00. This information is collected for the purpose of engaging in community consultation, which may result in recommended changes to a Policy. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, please contact Elizabeth Elle.
Thank you,
Catherine Dauvergne, Vice-President Academic and Provost