following list of suggestions is in-process and will be updated on
a regular basis. Contact academic-honesty@sfu.ca
to comment on any of the proposals below or to suggest additions to
the list. Items are listed in no particular order and are provided
for information only. The task force is not yet prepared to formulate
Making academic integrity a priority
- Establish an honour code at SFU
- Discuss policies, procedures, and expectations
at the beginning of every course
- Include an academic integrity statement on all
course outlines
- Include issues of academic honesty in the orientations
for new students, international students, TAs and TMs, new faculty,
sessional instructors, and Chairs and Directors
- Make information on plagiarism more accessible
to students
- Provide all students with an easy-to understand
explanation of the rules and procedures concerning academic honesty
- Establish academic integrity web pages for faculty,
TAs, and TMs, and students
- Establish guidelines for the use of tutors
- Establish a central copyright office to help ensure
that faculty understand the current policies for use of written
and digital materials and are assisted in obtaining copyright
- Add promoting academic honesty to the criteria
for teaching awards, tenure and promotion, and salary review
- Establish some means of testing students on their
understanding of academic honesty
- Create a position for Director of Academic Integrity
somewhat akin to the Director of Research Ethics
- Establish an Integrity week at the beginning of
September of at the beginning of each semester
- Offer a course or seminar that addresses issues
of academic integrity and ensures students understand what is
academic dishonesty and how to avoid it
- Revise the faculty ethics policy, A30.01, to do
more than describe some forms of appropriate behaviour
Exams and mid-terms
- Provide faculty with strategies for discouraging cheating on
- Make signatures and IDs required for all mid-terms and final
- Increase the number of invigilators for exams
- Schedule mid-terms so that they can be held in bigger rooms
or several courses can write exams in the same space
- Require personal belongings to be left at the back or side of
the room
- Restrict the use of programmable and wireless devices
- Take over the gym(s) for final exams and allow faculty with
large classes to apply to have their exams held there
- Provide students with web-based tutorials on paraphrasing, quoting
and citing sources, referencing, etc.
- Establish a web page on academic integrity for students with
links to resources such as tutorials on avoiding plagiarism
- Design assignments that discourage students from cutting and
pasting material from the Web
- Discuss plagiarism and how to avoid it in every course where
it is relevant
- Include an acknowledgments page on every assignment, requiring
students to list all forms of help they received on that assignment
- On all course outlines, clarify what forms of outside help are
- On course outlines and assignments, clarify the degree of collaboration
- Establish a University Writing/Learning Centre where students
can receive help with written assignments
- Create an explicit guide on appropriate use of tutors and mentors
for assignments, including assignments for quantitative courses
- Provide faculty with forms for reporting cases of academic dishonesty
and for providing students with follow-up letters
- Publish University Board on Student Discipline reports on the
web so that faculty, Chairs and Directors can judge what penalty
is appropriate in a particular situation
- Allow for tracking of repeat offenders, establish centralized
records in the Registrar’s office for all cases of academic
dishonesty, including informal cases
- Provide all faculty, TA’s, TM’s, and sessional instructors
with clear guidelines on the procedures for handling suspected
and confirmed cases of academic dishonesty
- Establish a position inside departments or at the university
level that provides faculty and sessional instructors someone
to consult beside the Chair of the department
- Streamline the process by having a student meet with the Chair
and instructor at the same time – especially for cases where
several students are suspected of violated academic integrity.
- Provide guidelines so that penalties will be consistent across
the University
- Provide departmental guidelines so that students will know what
actions are considered to cross the line, including guidelines
for collaboration with other students and for help from tutors
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