Student Identity Anonymization for Microsoft 365

All SFU students are eligible for access to Microsoft 365 services, a cloud-based service that includes communication and collaboration tools such as persistent chat, file storage, video conferencing capabilities, productivity apps and much more.

Students are required to consent to the disclosure of student contact information for the purpose of enabling the student to access and be contacted on an electronic system. Registration at SFU means you give your consent for the University to disclose your student contact information to Microsoft as a SFU service provider.

What is "student contact information" and how will it be disclosed? 

Student contact information” may include your name, SFU computing ID, SFU email address, SFU affiliation, and device information, if used solely for the purpose of providing access to or use of an electronic system.

  • All user-created content (files, messages and site content) related to Microsoft 365 services is stored in Canada. However, your student contact information may be stored outside Canada in Microsoft’s global network. Microsoft employees and subcontractors will have access to this information for the purposes of operating the service. For complete information on Microsoft’s use, protection, and access to personal data can be found on their website:
  • Users logged into SFU's Microsoft 365 service will be able to search for and collaborate with you using your SFU email address. Other users will be able to see your name, SFU computing ID, and SFU email address. 

Legacy Computing ID Anonymization for Students


As a student, SFU safeguards the use of your personal information (such as a first or last name). However, if you have an older SFU computing ID (such as it may contain parts of your first or last name that could be used to identify you while using Microsoft 365 apps and services. 

For students with older computing IDs, IT Services can provide a more anonymous and modern computing ID (such as upon request.


You are eligible if:

  • You are a student with a older computing ID that reveals your name (such a

You are not eligible if:

  • You have a modern SFU computing ID that contains a combination of letters and numbers (such as
  • You have already signed up and provided consent for Microsoft 365 at
  • You are currently a student employed by SFU (such as a teaching assisstant, research assistant, lecturer or other).

What to expect:

  • This proccess is optional and will be disruptive to your experience at SFU while your new ID is established. 
  • This process is only designed for those who are uncomfortable signing up for M365 using their existing computing account.
  • It can take several weeks to fully complete your request.
  • You will recieve a new computing ID, but your old computing ID will be deactivated. 
  • You will be unable to choose the username of your new computing ID.
  • IT Services will update essential student systems (such as Canvas and goSFU), but you will be responsible for updating/informing others about your new computing ID.
  • You will be responsible for retaining important emails, documents or files associated with your old ID.