"I chose to attend SFU because its proximity to the ocean makes it an ideal location for studying marine ecology. Additionally, the Resource and Environmental Management program attracted me due to its focus on applying research to create impactful policies. This combination allows me to translate my passion for marine science into meaningful action."

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Abby Birch

June 11, 2024

Resource Environmental Management master's student in the Faculty of Environment

Tell us a little about yourself, including what inspires you to learn and continue in your chosen field

I am a first-year student in the Master’s program in Resource and Environmental Management, working in the Coastal Marine Ecology and Conservation lab under the supervision of Anne Salomon. Four years ago, I moved to Vancouver to begin my undergraduate studies in biology, where I developed a passion for marine science through hands-on experiences by the ocean. My coursework gave me a deep appreciation and understanding of our oceans, inspiring me daily to protect these beautiful ecosystems for future generations, especially in the face of climate change.

Why did you choose to come to SFU?

I chose to attend SFU because its proximity to the ocean makes it an ideal location for studying marine ecology. Additionally, the Resource and Environmental Management program attracted me due to its focus on applying research to create impactful policies. This combination allows me to translate my passion for marine science into meaningful action.

How would you describe your research or your program to a family member?

My research focus is the anthropogenic impact on coastal intertidal ecosystems. Specifically, I examine how human activities affect marine communities along the coast of British Columbia. By investigating these impacts, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of human influence on these ecosystems, ultimately informing conservation efforts to mitigate these effects.

What three (3) keywords would you use to describe your research?

Marine conservation, community ecology, environmental change.

How have your courses, RA-ships, TA-ships, or non-academic school experiences contributed to your academic and/or professional development?

My undergraduate courses provided my first introduction to marine ecology and laid the foundation for my current research. Additionally, these courses offered opportunities to assist my TAs with their research, allowing me to experience fieldwork firsthand and understand how marine science is applied in real-world settings.

Have you been the recipient of any major or donor-funded awards? If so, please tell us which ones and a little about how the awards have impacted your studies and/or research

I received the NSERC-CGSM award, which will provide significant support during the first year of my Master’s program. This funding will allow me to concentrate fully on my classes and research as I embark on this new academic journey.


Contact Abby:abbybirch15@gmail.com