"SFU was a top choice for me given its strong reputation in the Vancouver business community. I was provided an excellent introduction to the rigor of MBA level classes during the GDBA program which ultimately led me to pursue the Full-Time MBA."

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Ishleen Toor

July 29, 2024

Business Administration master's student in the Beedie School of Business

Tell us a little about yourself, including what inspires you to learn and continue in your chosen field

Hello, my name is Ishleen I am originally born and raised in Vancouver. I attended the University of British Columbia and then went on to complete a post-graduate diploma in Human Resource Management at BCIT. I knew early on that an MBA was something I wanted to pursue in my academic career and after several years of work experience with the Royal Bank of Canada, it was time. I have always been inspired by thoughtful and confident leaders that balanced both a strong business acumen and a people oriented leadership style. I have always enjoyed learning about people and different cultures through my travels to countries like Spain, Italy, Norway, India and Australia to name a few. Translating this deep curiosity to the business world has been the foundation of my academic journey to the MBA. In my spare time I enjoy trying new cafes, yoga, travelling and watching celebrity docuseries.

Why did you choose to come to SFU?

SFU was a top choice for me given its strong reputation in the Vancouver business community. I was provided an excellent introduction to the rigor of MBA level classes during the GDBA program which ultimately led me to pursue the Full-Time MBA. The renowned faculty comprising of academics to industry professionals has proven to provide a well-rounded perspective on core business areas.

How would you describe your research or your program to a family member?

The program is particularly well-balanced, there is opportunity to stretch your creative muscles while also honing in on your analytical and technical skillset. There is diversity of knowledge within the classroom and opportunity to improve yourself each and everyday as you will always be surrounded by inspiring people!

What three (3) keywords would you use to describe your research?

Rigorous, inspiring, thought-provoking.

How have your courses, RA-ships, TA-ships, or non-academic school experiences contributed to your academic and/or professional development?

Holding the role of Vice President Operations and Finance, for the Graduate Women's Council was a core memory of my MBA experience. Through this position I was able to bring together three highly renowned senior level female leaders for our successful International Women's Day event. I feel honored that these women were interested in giving us their time despite their demanding schedules. Seeing ideas come to life with the other women on the council was a very proud moment. Post-event I continue to have candid conversations with them and consider them invaluable to my personal growth and network. I think there are many creative ways to discover yourself and through conversations with inspiring female leaders I was able to ask myself, "what kind of leader do I want to be?"


Contact Ishleen:itoor@sfu.ca

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