Spatial Question

My intent for this project was to evaluate a spatial decision underway within the forestry sector in British Columbia.  I learned that the North Peace Clean Air Association (NPCAA) is very concerned about the location of a Slocan-Louisiana Pacific Oriented Strand Board (OSB) plant partially within the City of Fort St. John.  Oriented Strand Board uses lower-grade and scrap lumber, compressed into boards.

The City of Fort St. John supports the location of an OSB plant in the vicinity for several reasons.  These include:

However, the NPCAA has several concerns regarding the location of the plant, including:

The locational requirements of the Slocan-LP Corp.  include access to:

The environmental and health concerns of the NPCAA are particularly compelling, and a common point of contention concerning industrial location.  Therefore, my spatial question became:

Given the spatial and infrastructural requirements of the Slocan-LP Corporation, and the concerns of the NPCAA, what are some possible alternative locations for an OSB plant in the Fort St. John area?


1. Spatial Question
2. Data Collection
3. Methodology
4. Spatial Analysis
5. Methodological and Operational Problems

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