Data Collection

As the nature of this project involves forestry, I was directed through the Ministry of Forestry to an office in Fort St. John.  I requested coverages of an area of about 6000 km2, from Fort St. John north to approximately Prespatou.  I requested this area because it includes the City and the probable timber supply area.  I received data at 1:250k, but it was not of the quality and accuracy that I had hoped for.
After requesting better data and giving a non-disclosure statement, I received some excellent data at 1:20k.  Due to the larger scale of this data, I chose to use 25 sheets covering a smaller area of about 3300 km2.  The data was in ArcInfo format, with 22 coverages and an Excel file of metadata. Coverages that I found useful were double line water features, roads and trails, and provincial forest/government reserve.  Unfortunately, the forest cover polygons were actually numbered stands and therefore not of much use to me.

I obtained further data from conventional maps and personal communication.  I digitized the BC Rail line and Fort St. John airport after consulting several maps at scales ranging from 1:50k to 1:500k.  I obtained the locational information about the proposed location of the OSB plant from the North Peace Clean Air Association (NPCAA) and digitized this as well.

Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain data to meet all of the requirements of the Slocan-LP Corp.  Data on hydro power lines was difficult to obtain; therefore, I left this criterion out of my final analysis.  As the location of the OSB plant is not directly related to proximity of timber sources at such a large scale, I left this out of the analysis as well.

Data used for the project:


1. Spatial Question
2. Data Collection
3. Methodology
4. Spatial Analysis
5. Methodological and Operational Problems

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