Sub-Surface Data Management :

Category Two: Grand Forks Classification

Category Two: Grand Forks Classification



The material distribution here is quite different from that of category one. There exist some similarities in both schemes not significant tough in elevation values but in local patterns of how these values vary. This demonstrates consistencies inherent in each classification rule in the standardization process. Nevertheless, there are significant global irregularities evident both in elevation values and in the map pattern. As stated earlier in the first category, well-log representation in GSC is more than in BC scheme. In this category, it is the contrary; more well are represented in BC than in GSC. It is worth noting however, that the difference in borehole representation is considerable in category one than in category two; an indication of similarity in classifying category two in both systems. This could be partly because there is more material representation in both systems but this is also an index of the degree of similarity in the two systems.


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