Lindsay is a fifth (!!) year student of geography at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. When not generating mildly egotistical autobiography text, she works and volunteers for Out on Campus, SFU's centre for queer students and their allies. This project was inspired by her experience with Out on Campus and created in the hope of providing meaningful information for the organization to present to the university.
She lives with her fiance in Surrey in a tiny little basement cave with three tiny windows and a cat who seems far too big for the house. In her spare time, she plays video games by the truckload, especially World of Warcraft. She enjoys reading things other than textbooks, and highly recommends The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. She also a self-taught artist, though she's currently attempting to self-teach herself out of drawing cartoons. Occasionally she performs in drag; her alter ego is the playboy trajillionaire London Collins.
Lindsay is on track to graduate after completing her honours thesis in Fall 2009. She is looking into either pursuing a masters at SFU or enrolling in the spatial analysis program at BCIT.
Contact by email: ldignall AT sfu DOT ca
Copyright © Lindsay Dignall, 2008