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Data Acquisition

Data preparation is a critical part in performing a spatial analysis. The data for this project was acquired through the SIS drive in the SFU SIS lab and was further manipulated in preparation for the MCE.



Data Preparation steps

  1. All the data collected was acquired in shape file format in ArcView.
  2. Each file was then re-projected in ArcCatalog and assigned NAD_1983_projection.
  3. Clipping was the next step where images were clipped to the research area.
  4.  IDRISI was used to convert clipped shape files into vector files using the SHAPEIDR module.
  5. Once all the files were converted into vector format, the IDRISI module RASTERVECTOR was used to convert vector files into raster files.
All raster files were then reclassified using the module RECLASS.