After the MCE operation, the result image is reclassed according to the relative suitability. The "RECLASS" module is used and is according to the following class intervals. The result is also shown in the map below.
0 -100 Unsuitable
101-150 Least suitable 
151-200 Less suitable 
201-230 More suitable 
231-255 Most suitable

As indicated in the map above, the most suitable areas and the desirable locations for new library are                       1)     Downtown Vancouver and some areas in the east side.                                                                                2)     East Vancouver area near Commercial and Broadway SkyTrain stations.


3)     Southern Burnaby area near Patterson and Joyce SkyTrain stations.                                                              4)     South-west Burnaby area near Lougheed Town Centre SkyTrain station.


The cartographic model below summarizes the procedures of spatial analysis and visualizing the result.



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