The goal of this project is to conduct a Multi Criteria Evaluation(MCE) based on several different constraints and factors in order to determine the most suitable location to open a Doggy Cafe in Vancouver City, British Columbia Canada.

Study Area: Vancouver City, British Columbia Canada

(Source: http://www.vancouver-bc.com/maps.html)

The research for this project began by an extensive survey process in which over 500 dogs were questioned.

Results of Survey:

Would you attend a Cafe to meet friends ?
  Yes 93% Most dogs commented that there was not any place for them to meet that was socially acceptable to humans. The 7% that answered 'No' were all small Terriers, which usually don't like other dogs, so this demographic is not surprising.
  No 7%
How would you get there?
  Automobile 2% Most dogs said that they did not drive. Most dogs said they could not reach the gas and brake pedals. The 8% of dogs that would take a Taxi Cab are owned by celebrities, so they can afford it. Taking a Taxi Cab is beyond the means of most dogs.
  Public Transit 90%
  Taxi Cab 8%
What types of locations do you usually meet your friends at?
  Parks 78% An overwhelming amount of dogs meet at the park. They also enjoy meeting and swimming, but because Vancouver is so rainy, they get enough of the water. A very small percent of the dogs questioned, mostly the overachievers, usually meet at obedience class.
  Water bodies (Creeks, Rivers, etc) 20%
  Obedience Class 2%
When you are out from your dog house, what is you biggest concern?
  Getting hit my moving vehicles 86% Many dogs were concerned about being hit my moving vehicles. They say that usually humans are watching for pedestrians, not them. Many of them were also concerned about getting fleas, but only a small percentage of them were more concerned about that then being hit by a automobile.
  Not finding food/Water 2%
  Getting Fleas 12%
What do you like to do for fun?
  Roll in mud/dirt 30% Many dogs were torn between rolling in dirt and chasing objects. When told they could only choose one, a surprising about said they could simply not go a day without chasing something. Although they do like to scratch, this is clearly on the bottom of their priority list.
  Chase Objects (People, Bikes, Cats) 65%
  Scratch 5%

From the above survey, it was possible to determine both Constraints and Factors for the location of opening a Doggy Cafe in Vancouver.



In order to open a Doggy Cafe in Vancouver, the location would have to be within Vancouver. Therefore the study area is constrained to Vancouver City. Additionally, the appropriate Landuse would need to be determined. The Cafe could not exist in industrial, agriculture, residential, parks or protected areas. Therefore, the Constraint for this project is Landuse, and ensuring that suitable areas are Constrained to only Commerical or Commerical/Residential Zoned areas.


There are many Factors to be considered when opening a Cafe in Vancouver that would cater specifically to dogs. The above survey, was valuable because it allowed for the determination of attributes that would both attract and detract dogs from attending a location.

Factors that attracted Dogs to attending a location are:

Factors that detracted Dogs from attending a Location are: