Data Aquisition

My primary source of data for this project was from Vancouver's Open Data Catalogue. From here I was able to aquire data on all reported crimes in the City of Vancouver from 2006 to 2011, in XLS format. In addition, I was able to aquire data on Rapid Transit (Skytrain) stations within Vancouver. Both data sets were location based. The crime data was based on addresses within a specific hundred block, the transit data on latitude and longitude coordinates. I also required Vancouver neighbourhood boundary data, which was also found in the Open Data Catalogue as SHP files. Blake Walker provided me with an Address Locator, which was required for geocoding, as well as Census Canada data from 2006 and 2011.

Below is a comprehensive list of my dataset used in this spatial analysis. The data within this list has been formatted for use in both ArcGIS and IDRISI Selva, please refer to my page on Methodology for more detail on how this was done.

Click to Download.

Auto-Crimes (CSV)
Van Pop Census 2006/11 (CSV)
Rapid Transit (RST)
BC Address Locator
Vancouver Neighbourhoods (RST)