In the context of second language education, the role of peer interaction and group/pair work in student engagement has been emphasized and several models for facilitating effective group work have been suggested by previous researchers (Johnson & Johnson 1990, Nunan, 1992). This study seeks ways to promote collaborative group work where all members enjoy 'a safe place' (Toohey, 2007) to engage in classroom discussions.
Promoting collaborative learning in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sepideh Fotovatian
Funding Agency: Teaching and Learning Centre
Additional Team Members: Sanjoy Banarjee
What's Proposed
The project emphasized the role of instructors in empowering student voices and capital.
How This Project is Carried Out
19 students in one class were observed throughout the course. Focus groups and mind-mapping were other data sources.
Why This Project Matters
Internationalization of higher education has meant increasingly diverse learning contexts. This project will provide insights into diverse ways students with different cultures and language backgrounds engage in classroom activities.
How This Project is Put into Action
The project is completed. The findings have been disseminated in two conferences.
Where to Learn More
The project led to two conference presentations. One journal paper is also in preparation.