Refereed Book Chapters

Fettes, M. & F.M. Karamouzian (accepted). Inclusion in education: Challenges for linguistic policy and research. In F.M. Hult, T. Kupisch & M. Siiner (Eds.) Bridging Language Acquisition and Language Policy. Dordrecht, NL: Springer. (lead author)

Fettes, M. (2016). Kosmopolitismo en praktiko: Streboj kaj streĉoj en la Esperanta socibildo [Cosmopolitanism in practice: Strivings and tensions in the Esperanto social imaginary]. In F. Gobbo (Ed.) Lingua, politica, cultura: Serta gratulatoria in honorem Renato Corsetti, 111-124. New York: Mondial.

Edzerza, R., M. Fettes, R. Sawka & M. Clifton (in press). Persistence and change: Strengthening Aboriginal education through language, sense of place and genuine partnerships. In J. Hare & J. Archibald (Eds.) Celebrating K-12 Aboriginal Education in British Columbia: Successes in Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Policy. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press. (co-author)

Fettes, M. (2013). Esperanto. In A. Hu & M. Byram (Eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning, pp. 228-231. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Fettes, M. (2013). Planned languages. In A. Hu & M. Byram (Eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning, pp. 529-530. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Fettes, M., Nielsen, T.W., Haralambous, B., & Fitzgerald, R. (2010). Imagination and education: a many-sided vision. In Nielsen, T.W., Fitzgerald, R. & Fettes, M. (Eds.), Imagination in Educational Theory and Practice: A Many-sided Vision (pp. 1–20). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.

Fettes, M. (2010). The TIEs that bind: How imagination grasps the world. In Egan, K. & Madej, K. (Eds.), Engaging Imagination and Developing Creativity in Education (pp. 2–16). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.

Fettes, M. (2009). “Mi kvazaŭ trovis min ĉehejme.” Biografia konversacio kun Humphrey Tonkin. [“It was as if I found myself at home.” A biographical conversation with Humphrey Tonkin.] In D. Blanke, U. Lins (Eds.), La arto labori kune (pp. 1–24). Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto–Asocio.

Fettes, M. (2008). Culture and imagination in the science classroom. In G. Judson (Ed.), Teaching 360ª: Effective Learning through the Imagination (pp. 97–106). Rotterdam: Sense.

Fettes, M. (2008). Imagination in qualitative research. In L. Given (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Fettes, M. (2007). Language as sharp as a knife: Translation in ecological context. In P. St. Pierre, P.C. Kar (Eds.), Translation:Reflections, Refractions, Transformations (pp. 201–211). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Blenkinsop, S. & Fettes, M. (2007). Developing the scientific imagination: A key to sustainability? In D.B. Zandvliet, D.L. Fisher (Eds.), Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Environments (pp. 37–46). Rotterdam and Taipei: Sense.

Fettes, M. (2007). Imaginative multicultural education: Notes towards an inclusive theory. In M. Stout, K. Takaya, K. Egan (Eds.), Teaching and Learning outside the Box: Conceptions of Imagination in Education (pp. 126–137). New York: Teachers’ College Press.

Fettes, M. (2005). Artificial languages. In Philipp Skutch (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Vol. 1. New York: Routledge.

Fettes, M. (2003). Interlingualism: A world-centric approach to language policy and planning. In H. Tonkin & T. Reagan (Eds.), Language in the 21st Century (pp. 47–58). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Fettes, M. (2003). The geostrategies of interlingualism. In J. Maurais & M. Morris (Eds.), Languages in a Globalising World (pp. 37–46). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fettes, M. (2003). Critical realism, ecological psychology, and imagined communities: Foundations for a naturalist theory of language acquisition. In J. van Dam & J. Leather (Eds.), The Ecology of Language Acquisition (pp. 31–47). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.

Fettes, M. (2000). (Un)Writing the margins: Steps toward an ecology of language. In R. Phillipson (Ed.), Rights to Language: Equity, Power and Education (pp. 92–94). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Fettes, M. & Norton, R. (2000). Voices of winter: Aboriginal languages and public policy in Canada. In M. Brant Castellano, L. Davis & L. Lahache (Eds.) Aboriginal Education: Fulfilling the Promise (pp. 29–54). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Fettes, M. (2000). Esperanto. In M. Byram (Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 200–203). London: Routledge.

Fettes, M. (2000). Planned languages. In M. Byram (Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 464–465). London: Routledge.

Fettes, M. (1999). Indigenous education and the ecology of community. In S. May (Ed.) Indigenous Community-Based Education (pp. 20–41). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Fettes, M. (1998). Life on the edge: Canada's Aboriginal languages under official bilingualism. In T. Ricento & B. Burnaby (Eds.) Language and Politics in the United States and Canada: Myths and Realities (pp. 117–149). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Fettes, M. (1997). Esperanto and language awareness. In L. van Lier & D. Corson (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 6: Knowledge about Language (pp. 151–159). Boston: Kluwer Academic.

Fettes, M. (1997). Language planning and education. In R. Wodak & D. Corson (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 1: Language Policy and Political Issues in Education (pp. 13–22). Boston: Kluwer Academic.

