Conference Presentations (selected)


Moura, C. B., Cardinot, D. & Guerra, A. (2022). Approximating historical cases to students’ realities: a case using Brazilian science. Paper Presentation. 16th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group Biennial Conference. July 3-7, 2022. Calgary, AB, Canada.


Lanza, T. & Moura, C. B. (2021). Analysis of historical images and the Cultural History of Science: a case study from Laura Bassi’s History [in Portuguese]. XIII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Online).

Moura, C. B. (2021). History and Nature of Science at Brazilian Learning Standards: an analysis from FRA approach [in Portuguese]. XIII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Online).

Guimarães, L. P. & Moura, C. B. (2021). Nature of Science at Brazilian Learning Standards: which science are we teaching? [in Portuguese]. XIII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Online).


Oliveira, F. F., Guerra, A. & Moura, C. B. (2020). National Science and Physics teaching: an analysis of publications in the last ten years [in Portuguese] XVIII Encontro de Pesquisa em Ensino de Física, 2020, Florianópolis (Online).


Moura, C. B.; Lima, N. W. (2019). Stop teaching science: A philosophical framework to depart from Science Education into Deep Ecological Education. 15th IHPST (International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group) Biennial Conference, 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. 

Moura, C. B., Lima, N. W., Ostermann, F., & Guerra, A. (2019). Articulating counter-hegemonic narratives about Science: a rapprochement proposal between Cultural History of Science and Simmetrical Sociology [in Portuguese]. XII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 2019, Natal – RN.

Silva, A. M., Paixao, G. A., Silva, G. F. A., Oliveira, R. D. V. L., Moura, C. B. (2019). In the walls of Science: na analysis of Science views of chemistry prospective teachers in a intercultural Project with graffiti [in Portuguese]. XII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 2019, Natal – RN.


Moura, C. B.; Camel, T. ; Guerra, A. (2018). Teachers and the historical approach in science education: a view from the everyday curriculum’ perspective. XVIII International Organization for Science and Technology Education Symposium. Malmö University, 2018. p. 213-221.


Moura, C. B.; Guerra, A.; Amaral, P. & Oliveira, F. F. (2017). Between the historical and the contemporary: approaching scientific practices in a course about history and philosophy of sciences [in Portuguese]. Enseñanza de las Ciencias (España), 2017(extra), 3517-3523.

Moura, C. B., Ferreira, R. C. & Duarte, S. E. S. (2017). Reflexive praxis: a proposal to S&T teaching with NOS focus [in Portuguese]. Enseñanza de las Ciencias (España), 2017(extra), 3683-3687.

Silva, D. A., Guerra, A., & Moura, C. B. (2017). Women participation in Science: exploring higher education physics teachers’ opinions [in Portuguese] In: XXII Simpósio Nacional de Ensino de Física, 2017, São Carlos. São Paulo: SBF.

Silva, B. J., Moura, C. B., & Guerra, A. (2017). Science and Culture: a view on Science in the movie Clockwork Orange. [in Portuguese] In: XI Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências - XI ENPEC, 2017, Florianópolis.


Moura, C. B. & Guerra, A. (2016). Conflicts in historical approaches to themes that are consolidated in school science: a case study about atomic models [in Portuguese]. Journal Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis (Colombia) 2016(extra), 797-803.

Moura, C. B., Oliveira, V. S. (2016). Investigating Leidenfrost effect: a report on an exploratory activity in two educational contexts [in Portuguese]. Journal Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis (Colombia) 2016(extra), 894-901.

Oliveira, F. F. & Moura, C. B. (2016). Exploring the interdisciplinarity between chemistry and physics through an historical-cultural approach [in Portuguese]. Journal Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis (Colombia) 2016(extra), 881- 887.

Moura, C. B., Camel, T., & Guerra, A. (2016). Debates on atomic hypothesis in 19th century as a way to discuss scientific practice [in Portuguese]. In: XVIII Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Química (XVIII ENEQ), 2016, Florianópolis. Anais do XVIII ENEQ, 2016. p. 1-12.


Moura, C. B. & Guerra, A. (2015). Seeking for NOS issues with didactic potential from the history of atomic models. In: 13th IHPST Biennial Conference, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Oliveira, R. D. V. L; Moura, C. B.; Silva, K. M.; Queiroz, G. R. P. C. (2015). The short story ‘O adeus da sombra’ by Mia Couto and the Scientific Knowledge dichotomy / Traditional Knowledge: possibilities of discussion on the Nature of Science. In: 13th IHPST Biennial Conference, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Moura, C. B., Amaral, P., & Netto, M., Schiffer, H., Marques, M. A., & Guerra, A. (2015). Proposals for using History of Science in the classroom: an analysis in national journals [in Portuguese] In: X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 2015, Águas de Lindoia - SP.


Moura, C. B.; Guerra, A. (2014). Exploring hidden actors in atomic models history: a path to discuss NOS [in Portuguese]. In: III IHPST-LA Conference Proceedings, 2014, Santiago - Chile. Santiago: Sociedad Bella Terra.

Oliveira, R. D. V. L., Moura, C. B., & Guerra, A, Queiroz, G. R. P. C. (2014). Boyle’s Law – Planning with History and Philosophy of Science for Basic Education [in Portuguese]. In: XVII Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Química, 2014, Ouro Preto - MG.


Moura, C. B., Guerra, A. (2013). Atomic models in chemistry textbooks of PNLEM 2012: a qualitative analysis in the light of history and philosophy of science [in Portuguese].  In: IX Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 2013, Águas de Lindoia - SP.
