- Safety, Environmental Health & Research
- Safety & Risk Services
- Schedules, Class
- Scholarship
- Scholarship, Graduate
- School for International Studies
- School for the Contemporary Arts
- School of Communication
- School of Computing Science
- School of Criminology
- School of Engineering Science
- School of Environmental Science
- School of Interactive Arts & Technology
- School of Medicine
- School of Resource and Environmental Management
- Science
- Science Alive
- Science Stores
- Science Year One
- Scientific Computing, Centre for
- Scottish Studies Centre
- Secretary, University
- Security
- Segal Graduate School of Business
- Senate
- Seniors Program
- Services, Career
- Services, Conference
- Services, Dining
- Services, Facilities
- Services, Parking & Sustainable Mobility
- Services, Procurement
- Services, Volunteer
- Sexuality, and Women's Studies, Department of Gender
- Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office
- SFU App Suite, Official
- SFU Bookstore & Spirit Shop
- SFU Childcare Society
- SFU Document Solutions
- SFU Facts
- SFU First Nations (Office for Aboriginal Peoples)
- SFU First Nations Alumni (Office for Aboriginal Peoples)
- SFU Food
- SFU Graduate Studies
- SFU International
- SFU Mail
- SFU News
- SFU Outdoors Club
- SFU Public Square
- SFU Publications
- SFU Surrey
- SFU Sustainability Advisory Committee
- Leslie & Gordon Diamond Family Auditorium (formerly SFU Theatre)
- SFU Vancouver
- SIAT - School of Interactive Arts and Technology
- Simon Fraser Art Galleries
- Simon Fraser Chinese Link
- Simon Fraser Student Society
- Simultaneous Interpretation Program (Chinese/English)
- Ski & Snowboard Club
- Smoking regulations
- Social Innovation Certificate
- Sociology & Anthropology
- Spam
- Spanish Language
- Special Audit
- Sport clubs
- Statistical Consulting Service SCS
- Statistics and Actuarial Science
- Supply Chain Management Leadership Program
- Student Central
- Student Development
- Student Information Management Systems project
- Student Information System
- Student Learning Commons
- Student Records
- Student Services
- Student Society
- Student Society, Graduate
- Student Union, Linguistics
- Students, Prospective
- Students, Prospective Graduate
- Study Abroad
- Style Guide
- Surrey Campus Student Life
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Development, Centre for
- Sustainable Development Program
- Sustainable Energy Engineering, School of