Dal Sohal
Leadership consultant and professional coach Dal Sohal not only teaches in our Business Management Certificate program, but she’s also a learning services coordinator for SFU’s Student Learning Commons where she helps students improve their learning skills for academic and personal success.
Who would you recommend take our Business Management Certificate and courses?
I think the certificate appeals to a wide spectrum of individuals, ranging from new graduates who may be looking for practical real-world learning they can apply in the workplace, to mid-career professionals who are vying for a promotion, stepping into a leadership role or wanting to build on their professional skills.
What type of career path can the learning lead to or further advance?
The courses in the program provide students with the theory and practice of business, communication and leadership skills necessary in today’s workplace. Students can step into leadership roles and management positions knowing how to deliver results in their organization.
What’s the most valuable thing students will learn in your courses?
Students learn many valuable communication techniques and approaches to enhance their workplace relationships. I think the biggest learning comes from the hands-on practice we do in class where students try out the skills in a supportive environment. Students increase their self-awareness and develop a sense of confidence in their own ability to communicate effectively.
What’s one piece of advice you would give mature students returning to school?
Mature students are often juggling a lot, including full-time jobs, family obligations and course commitments. Reach out for help when you need it. Make arrangements with your family so you have the time and space to do your work. Connect with your instructor if you’re uncertain about assignments or expectations.
What do you enjoy most about teaching in this program?
I love watching the learning unfold! The greatest moments are when students make connections from the classroom to real life and open their awareness to a new way of thinking and being. It is such an honour to spend a term with people who come from diverse backgrounds and have so much collective work and life experience to share. All of this enriches the learning that happens in the classroom.