Colleen Kamps
Colleen Kamps is a clinician, teacher, lifelong learner and parent. In her 37 years of professional experience, she has mostly specialized in trauma, abuse, suicide prevention and intervention, depression and anxiety, and crisis intervention. Her greatest passion is helping others recover from trauma, find stability and return to their inner strength.
Colleen holds a BA in child and youth studies from the University of Victoria and she’s currently enrolled in an MA program at Ryerson University. She is trained in Trauma Assessment and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and serves as a trainer in SafeTALK (suicide prevention) and as a master trainer in ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), primarily working with first responders and First Nations communities.
Colleen is a full-time faculty member and coordinator in the Child & Youth Care Practitioner Program at Centennial College. She also maintains a private practice in Toronto as a clinical therapist, consultant and trainer.