The MacDonald Collection

George and Joanne. Painting by Chris Hopkins.

The George and Joanne MacDonald Northwest Coast Collection (the MacDonald Collection) was assembled by Dr. George MacDonald and Joanne MacDonald over their long careers in Canadian museology, archaeology, and anthropology. The collection reflects the MacDonalds' admiration and respect for the cultures of the Northwest Coast, their work with communities along the coast, as well as their relationships with museums, archives, universities and colleges.

Images in the MacDonald Collection are made available here for research and educational purposes. Other uses may require permission; users are responsible for contacting copyright holders to obtain such permission.

The George and Joanne MacDonald Northwest Coast Image Archive is hosted within SFU Library’s Digitized Indigenous Collections. Created between 2010 and 2017, this is an eclectic mix of images that reflects the BRC’s earlier work to create access to the MacDonald Collection.

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Open to Collaborate

The BRC is proud to attribute the “Open to Collaborate” CI Notice to our entire digital collection. This notice indicates a commitment to collaborate with Indigenous communities as we continue our important work of decolonizing and reconciling at Simon Fraser University.

Developed by Locoal Contexts, CI Notices are icons associated with descriptions designed to be used by collecting institution who are engaged in processes of collaboration and trust building with Indigenous communities.

The CI Notice is one way for the Bill Reid Centre to signal to those who use the collection that we are actively working to improve our Indigenous collections, and that we welcome collaborations with Indigenous communities in this work.

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