If you are an employee at SFU (currently receiving a bi-weekly pay cheque) or are a visitor to SFU and need to submit a claim for travel and/or expenses, please use the appropriate drop down menu below for links & instructions.


  1. Personal Data Form
  2. TD1 BC Tax Credit
  3. TD1 Federal Tax Credit

Please visit SFU finance for most up to date forms:

NOTE: Your employee # is the same as your SFU ID #

Please complete to ensure correct tax rate is applied to taxable income. Estimate your annual fees in Canada. If you are not certain of the amount to enter on the tax forms, sign the forms, and Payroll will use the default basic exemption. For the tuition fee, consult the SFU calendar (full-time fee).

Please submit the following documents with the above forms:

  1. Void cheque OR a pdf of your Bank Account Verification/Direct deposit form - International students will need to set up a Canadian bank account. Please make sure you have a "bank verification" downloaded from your Candian online banking account or a printed form from your bank branch (not a handwritten note).
  2. Study or Working Permit - International students only
  3. SIN letter from Service Canada - International students only. When you renew your study or work permit you must also renew your SIN.
  4. Permanent Residence Card - PR students only. Submit a copy of your PR card (front and back) and either your SIN card (front and back) or your SIN letter.

All completed forms and documents should be submitted to (BPK Office K9625)