May 23 and May 30, 2002 Meeting Summaries

The meeting was unable to proceed at the originally scheduled venue on May 23 at the Halpern Centre due to a student protest, so the Chair convened an emergency session at the Diamond University Centre to deal with the Tuition item only. The Executive Committee of the Board met on May 30 by teleconference to deal with the remaining agenda items.


A. Finance and Administration

  1. Donations: the Board approved terms of reference and accepted donations to new funds, and accepted donations to existing funds, as follows:
    December 2001 (Supplemental)   $132,233
    April, 2002 $600 $852,712 and $99,501*
    *SFU Foundation
  2. The Board received the 2001 Turnover By Staff Group report.
  3. The Board ratified the 2001 Staff Employment Summary.
  4. The Board approved that fees at Simon Fraser University be increased effective the fall semester 2002, as recommended. The motion can be found in the 2002/2003 University Calendar.
  5. The Board of Governors approved proceeding with the creation of a business trust for the Burnaby Mountain Community Corporation without the requirement for an advance ruling from the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency after that agency declined to issue a ruling. The Board also approved that the trust be known as the SFU Community Trust and the Trustee be known as the SFU Community Corporation.

B. Academic Operations

  1. The Board approved the undergraduate admission targets for each basis-of-admission group and for each semester in 2002/03, and the undergraduate admission targets to each Faculty for each basis-of-admission group.

    The committee received information on Senate actions regarding curriculum revisions in the Faculty of Business Administration, the Deletion of Courses not Offered, the Reinstatement of courses from the Temporary Withdrawn Category, and Graduate Curriculum revisions in the Faculty of Education.


A. Finance and Administration Committee

There is no business to report

B. Academic Operations Committee

  1. Faculty Appointments

    The following faculty appointments have been approved and have been accepted:

    Dr. David Broun Assistant Professor Physics 02/05/01 – 07/08/31
    Dr. Mark Fettes Assistant Professor Education 02/09/01 – 06/08/31
    Dr. Uwe Glasser Associate Professor Computing Science 02/08/01 – 07/08/31
    Mr. David McAlister Assistant Professor Criminology 02/09/01 – 06/08/31
    Dr. Dugan O’Neil Assistant Professor Physics 03/05/01 – 07/08/31
    Dr. Don Read Professor with Tenure Psychology 02/07/01
  2. Administrative Appointments
    Dr. David Burley Chair Archaeology 03/09/01 – 06/08/31
    Dr. Lynda Erickson Chair Political Science 02/09/01 – 05/08/31
    Dr. Meredith Kimball Chair Women's Studies 02/09/01 – 03/08/31
    Dr. Michael Roberts Chair Archaeology 02/09/01 – 03/08/31
    Dr. Doug Stead Chair Earth Sciences 02/09/01 – 07/08/31
    Dr. John Pierce Dean Faculty of Arts 02/09/01 – 07/08/31
  3. Other

    (i) the Board of Governors approved the modified contract of Dr. L. Ballentine, Physics.

    (ii) the Board of Governors approved the Departmental Transfer of Dr. Joy Parr from History to Humanities effective May 1, 2002.

The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held in Room 126 of the Halpern Centre, Burnaby Mountain Campus, at 3 p.m. on Thursday June 27, 2002.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find Simon Fraser University. Our vision? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, SFU has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities — VancouverBurnaby and Surrey — and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.