RRSDA Search Tips

Records Retention Schedules and Disposal Authorities (RRSDA or retention schedules) are created to assist departments with organizing and disposing of their records.  

The search page provides different ways to search for a retention schedule.

  • Use the Sort feature to list all RRSDAs based on title, number, funtion, department, total retention, and/or final disposition.
  • Use the Filter feature to limit RRSDAs by function, department and/or final disposition.
  • Use the Keyword Search feature to search the text of all RRSDAs.

You can also combine search features. For example, use the filter feature to limit results to a single department, and use the sort feature to organize the results by total retention period.

Tips for using the keyword search function:

  • If you know the RRSDA number or title, you can use the keyword search box.
    • This search engine will only search terms within the page of the RRSDA. 
    • Avoid using broad terms like "university" or "student". 
    • Interchangeably use related terms to refine your search (e.g. employee or personnel).    
  • The keyword search box can be left blank when sorting or filtering by function, department and/or final disposition

Retention Period explained:

Once you have located the correct RRSDA, read the Description, and Purpose and Use of Records sections to confirm that the RRSDA is applicable to your record.

Some schedules may apply to one, several or all departments. You need to review the schedule to determine if there are different retention rules that apply. For example, RRSDA 1995-001 Accounts Payable Transaction Files has two retention periods. One for records found in the accounting department and another for all other university departments.


  • Department - the specific administrative or academic unit that creates the records. Some retention schedules will apply to one, many or all departments.
  • Total Retention - the period of time records must be kept.
  • Final Disposition - the last action taken with regard to inactive records once the expiration of their retention period has taken place in accordance with legislative, regulatory, or administrative requirement. Final disposition is either destruction or archival.
  • Function - refers to the purpose or role records serve within the department (i.e., Human Resources, Administration, Committees, etc.).