Rendering Trenton Tasks

The task of this practical is to explore the potential of rendering in form•Z by creating several renderings of a part of the Trenton Bath Houses and by explaining how you created those rendering effects. You are to create two different kinds of renderings of the model provided.
  • The first kind of rendering is to be as realistic as you can possibly make it. Presume that the Trenton bath houses are constructed of concrete masonry units, with timber structure and corrugated iron roofs. The land around the bath houses is grassed, except for the access path to the top of the stairs which is cobblestone. The bath houses are located in a thick grove of mature native Australian trees, but are clearly visible from the access path. The bath houses are to be located in Adelaide, Australia and the time of the rendering is 10:30am on 21 December.
  • The second kind of rendering is to show the bath houses as if the corner blocks were aquaria, with transparent sides and lights located inside the corner roof spaces.

To do this task, you will have to modify the model provided in several ways, including changing surface styles, creating new surface styles, changing rendering properties, changing the display options and creating and modifying lights.