HTML: modifying web pages Tasks

Each link below will take you to a different web page which contains a different task. Each task introduces a small set of concepts about reading and writing in the HTML language.

Task list is as follows.

You complete each task with the following steps.

  • Browse the page for the task using the Netscape web browser.
  • View the source code that for the page. In Netscape, the command to do this is Page Source and is located under the View menu on the toolbar or can be accessed by pressing Ctrl U. (The phrase source code refers to the actual text that comprises the page.) This source code is displayed as
    formatted text and possibly graphics by a web browser. The essential structure of HTML is that text is marked up by tags. A start tag, for example, <BODY>, appears at the beginning of a piece of marked up text. A matching end tag for example, </BODY> appears at the end of the marked
    up text.
  • Envision how the source code generates each line in the web page. The code that actually makes up the page is contained within the <BODY> tag.
  • Edit the source code to achieve the task specified in the page. You can edit the page by using the Notepad program on your PC. This program can be found at C:\Winnt\Notepad.exe or by typing the word notepad into the dialog box invoked by the Run command on the Start menu. When you Open a file in Notepad you have to set the file type control in the open dialog box to all files. After you have finished one task, go on to the next one using the link on the original page.