e Roleplay Resources

1. Demolishing Union Street Wall (Garden East Apartments)

'A 69-year-old wall, once part of the Adelaide Fruit and Produce Exchange, has been bulldozed to make way for 24 apartments and shops as the final stage of Liberman's Garden East development' 'Last week traders and local residents protested to save the wall, which is not Heritage listed, after bulldozers arrived at the site. They claimed the wall was a symbol of the East End's Market history, which attracted traders, tourists and residents.'

City Messenger, December 13 2000 p.7.

What are the different perspectives to bring to this debate?


  • Transport and Urban Planning Minister Ms Diana Laidlaw
  • Austral Hotel Owner Gosia Shield
  • Former Lord Mayor Jane Lomax-Smith
  • National Trust Director Rainer Jozeps
  • Architect, Urban Planner and ACC Member, Professor Judith Brine


Haran, B.  'Historic wall to tumble',  Advertiser, 7th December 2000, p.7.

Hooper, B.  'Final Garden East stage begins',  Advertiser, 17th January 2001, p.10.

Uren, K., and Williams, T.  'East End wall falls after legal action dropped',  Advertiser, 13th December 2000, p.4.

2. Erecting Adelaide Oval Lights

After years of litigation concerning the collapse of the retractable light towers planned for, and erected at Adelaide oval to facilitate Day/Night cricket and other night matches, permanent light towers were erected at the Oval this year.

City Messenger, December 13, 2000 p1,5

Should they be there? Are they a blight to the city skyline, or a necessity in securing international sporting fixtures in Adelaide?

  • South Australian Cricket Association Board spokesperson
  • Cricket lover/Rugby lover
  • Parklands Preservation Committee Member (see Parklands Alliance,  City Messenger, 13-12-2000 p.5)
  • North Adelaide Residents' Action Group spokesperson
  • Architect, or Landscape Architect advising SACA Board


Adelaide cricket fans finally see the light',  AAP General News (Australia),  13th November 2000.

OVAL STEPS INTO FUTURE SACA unveils $45 million redevelopment',  Advertiser, 9th September 2000

3. General Havelock Hotel extension to trading hours

Whilst General Havelock Hotel owner Henry Mould has been trying unsuccessfully to extend trading hours to 1am on Friday and Saturday nights, local residents, concerned by 'sleepless late nights and patrons behaving badly' have mounted a successful opposition to the proposal.

City Messenger, December 6th 2000 p.11

What are the various points of view here? Do new residents moving onto city areas have a right to expect 'quiet enjoyment of their property?' Can design improvements overcome resident' concerns?

  • Hotel owner Henry Mould
  • Patron   whoever!
  • Neighbour (Eastern Suburbs resident moving to the City)
  • Architect or Landscape Architect advising on Noise abatement proposals
  • Australian Hotels Association General manager John Lewis


General Havelock denied 1am close',  Advertiser, 6th December 2000, p.26

4. Medina Grand Treasury Hotel (Old Treasury Building)

For years, the heritage listed Old Treasury Building, prominently located on the corner of King William Street has been virtually empty, except for a Museum of Exploration, Surveying and Land Heritage. The Medina Hotel group has now secured an approval to convert the building into a 100 room hotel.

City Messenger, December 6th 2000 p.3

What are the issues here? Who are the stakeholders? What are their points of view?

  • Heritage Preservations Society spokesperson Shirley Mcnamara
  • Hotel owner : spokesperson for Medina Group
  • Adelaide City Council Planning Development Assessment Committee member
  • City of Adelaide resident and former Lord Mayor Jane Lomax-Smith
  • International tourist   whoever!


Ward, P.  'New uses for old buildings - Heritage Watch',  Australian, 4th December 2000, p18.

Lloyd, T.  'Treasured building with a new purpose',  Advertiser, 3rd February 2001, p.41.

5. Upgrading to Victoria Park featuring permanent facilities for Car and horse Racing

The Advertiser January 3 2001 had a front page story about 'an upgrading of Victoria Park featuring permanent facilities for car racing plus new grandstands and lighting for twilight horse racing'.  However, Victoria Park is situated in the East Parklands. What are the issues concerning 'development' in the Parklands? The roles selected should represent all view points.

Advertiser, January 3 2001, p1-2.

  • Motor Sport Board Chair Roger Cook
  • SAJC Chief Executive Matt Benson
  • Parklands Preservation Committee Member (see Parklands Alliance,  City Messenger 13-12-2000 p.5)
  • East Terrace, Adelaide, resident
  • Proposed Landscape Architect for the Proposal


Cornes, G.  'Don't shed vision',  Advertiser, 6th January 2001, p.131.

Hall, J.  'Parklands can be an active place for all',  Advertiser, 10th January 2001, p.18.