Backpackers Requirements

Your submission for this practical will comprise seven (7) rendered images of your place. In these images you should seek to capture both the feeling and to demonstrate the architectural language of your place.

One of your images (a2i1.jpg) is to be of size 800x600 pixels. The other six (6) of the images are to be of size 400x300 pixels.

Image name: a2i1.jpg - 800x600 image

Image names: a2i2.jpg / a2i3.jpg / a2i4.jpg / a2i5.jpg / a2i6.jpg /a2i7.jpg - 400x300 images

FormZ model name: a2m1.fmz

You are also to submit a 200 word summary describing the feeling of your place and how your place supports that feeling. Your 200 word summary is to begin with a title containing only a name that you have chosen for your place.