Department of Mathematics
Spring 2010

MATH 418 - Partial Differential Equations

Class Webpage

Class Resources:

books & lecture notes (reserve list)
webct & discussion group (

note: additional content for math 418 can be found on the webct page
this website will also function as a back-up site in the event of a webct problem

This Week in MATH 418:

16 September
w02wave.m: d'alembert plotting demo
w02waveF1.m, w02waveF2.m : initial data functions

15 September
w02char.m: characteristic plotting demo

12 September
previous content archived to links below

08 September
warm-up problems, minor typos corrected from the version handed out in lecture

07 September
writing guide

25 June
required text -- partial differential equations (strauss)

online additional text -- PDEs in action: from modelling to theory (salsa)
online coffee table book for PDEs -- applied PDEs: a visual approach (markowich)
online book on PDEs with maple -- PDEs & boundary value problems with Maple V (articolo)
online book on computational PDEs -- introduction to PDEs: a computational approach (tveito & winther)
online text for review of BVPs -- BVPs & PDEs (powers)
online book on advanced PDE analysis -- an introduction to PDEs (renardy & rogers)

Web Resources & Interest:

method of characteristics

directional derivative
cauchy-kowalevski theorem

History (& possible Future):

  week 01: introduction to PDEs
  week 02: first-order PDEs & characteristics
  week 03:
  week 04:
  week 05:
  week 06:
  week 07:
  week 08:
  week 09:
  week 10:
  week 11:
  week 12:
  week 13: