Some recent projects
- Model-Driven Development of Families of Semantically-enabled Service-oriented Architectures (Status: Approved: Period: 2009-2011; Budget total: $288,860.00; Funding: Alberta Ingenuity) - Funded by Alberta Ingenuity in the New Faculty Award program, the main goal of this project is to provide a set of software engineering methods for developing families of semantically-enabled SOAs.
- Toward Model-Driven Semantic Web Engineering (Status: On-Going; Budget total: $75,000; Period: 2008-2012; Funding: NSERC) - The goal of the NSERC Discovery-Indivitual grant is to support investigatation synergies between model-driven engineering (a novel software engineering discipline) and the Semantic Web.
- Ontology-based Development of Ubiquitous Software Systems (Status: On-Going; Budget total: $6,991.00, Period: 2008-2009; Funding: Athabasca University - Mission Critical Research) Existing approaches to ubiquitous management of personal information do not enable the adaptive selection and composition of different software services (or components) based on user goals and device capabilities. This project addresses this concern by combining software product lines (a proven software engineering approach) with Semantic Web ontologies (a technology for knowledge sharing).
- Semantically-enabled e-Learning (Status: On-Going; Budget total: $9,900.00; Period: May 2008; Funding: CIDA) - A short-term project within the Partnerships for Tomorrow Program Phase II (PTP II), funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and administered by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. The project will seek to build a sustainable Canada-Serbia research community in the domain of semantically enabled e-learning (e.g., identified EU as the future of technology enhanced learning in its roadmap for 2007-2013) among research institutions and funding bodies .
- Towards Ontology Development Tools for E-Learning Systems: A Survey (Status: On-Going; Period: 2007-2008; Budget total: $6840.00; Funding: Athabasca University - Mission Critical Research). The project surveys how course authors and university course instructor could create/reuse course domain ontologies by using ontology (visual) editors, (semi-)automatic ontology learning tools, and repositories of ontologies.
- Modeling policies in e-learning systems (Status: Past; Budget total: $7000.00; Period: June-Aug 2007; Funding: Athabasca University - Mission Critical Research Fund) This project targets the design of a general modeling language for policies to be used by learning design authors as well as combining the policy language with already used learning design languages.
- Deriving Semantics from Learning Contexts (Status: Past; Budget total: $10,000.00; Period: Aug- Sept 2007; Funding: CIDA) - A short-term project within the Partnerships for Tomorrow Program Phase II (PTP II), funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and administered by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. The project investigated the use of semantic modeling and ontologies for tracking usage data in learning management systems such as Moodle. The project is done in cooperation with SFU and the University of Belgrade.
- Sharing Learning Designs: Semantic Prototyping (Status: Past; Budget total: $9870.00; Period: July- Aug 2006; Funding: CIDA) - A short-term project within the Partnerships for Tomorrow Program Phase II (PTP II), funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and administered by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. The project should develop a prototype for sharing learning designs based on semantic modeling and ontologies. The project is done in cooperation with the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Belgrade. The project also has to strengthen further cooperation between the LORNET Research Network, the EU IST ProLearn Network of Excellence, and the Web Intelligence and E-Learning project.
- LORNET (Status: On-Going; Period: 2003-2008, Budget total: $7.5M, Funding: NSERC) – A project is funded by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. LORNET research is organized around 6 themes (Télé-université Montreal, Simon Fraser University, University of Saskatchewan, University of Waterloo, University of Ottawa, École Polytechnique de Montréal), each grouping 3 to 6 projects. The main goal of LORNET is to build new knowledge in computer science and cognitive science to help design and develop the architectures, the tools and the methods to maximize the usability, the efficiency and the usefulness of a network of learning objects repositories (LOR) for education, training and knowledge management. Dragan Gašević is working was a Principal Investigator on LORNET Theme 1 whose the prime objective is to research and prototype interoperability mechanisms that will promote efficient discovery, transport and aggregation of disparate learning object repositories into a unified global multilingual and multimedia network of E-Learning content. This research investigates the components of the computational infrastructure for an ecosystem of distributed, ubiquitous, autonomous, and personalized learning objects that might be deployed over a variety of stationary and mobile devices. Here are some of the projects:
- Multiple ontology for learning object retrieval
- Ontology mappings for bridging local taxonomies
- An ontology based framework for connecting learning design and learning content
- Automatic ontology mappings
- ProLearn – A 'Network of Excellence' project financed by the IST (Information Society Technology) programme of the European Commission, dealing with technology enhanced professional learning. The project focuses on questions of European importance and stresses a better integration of research efforts. It initiates and improves cooperation between various actors of academia and industry in the area of technology enhanced learning, particularly supporting multinational co-operation. Dr. Gašević first participated in the project as a member of the GOOD OLD AI Research Group, University of Belgrade, and afterwards as a member of Simon Fraser University, Canada, since both universities are associated partners in the project. Some of his research goals include R&D activities related to personalized adaptive learning, learning objects, metadata and standards. Dr. Gašević has established the collaboration between the Laboratory for Ontological Research of Simon Fraser University Surrey, Canada, the GOOD OLD AI Research Group of University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, and the Department of Computer Science, K.U. Leuven, Belgium. During the project Dragan Gašević spent a month (September 2004) at K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, working on this project. This university is coordinating a projects’ working group on learning objects, metadata, and interoperability. Here are some of the projects:
- ALOCoM ontology – The ALOCoM ontology is a generic content model that defines a framework for learning objects and their components. The ontology defines a number of concepts representing different types of LO components and their structure. This explicit definition of both content and structure enables the disaggregation of learning objects into their individual components. These components are then on-the-fly assembled to create new learning objects.
- Learning Objects in Leuven (LOL) – The LOL is an initiative pursuing to identify the main goals of the future research in the area of learning technologies. The organizer is prof. Erik Duval (president of the ARIADNE foundation) with the K.U Leuven. In this projects are included Wayne Hodgins, Dan Rehak, David Wiley, Brandon Muramatsu, and Martin Wolpers beside Dragan Gašević. The LOL is organized within the activities towards writing the manifesto of learning objects, metadata and interoperability research. This project tries to use the experiences form IEEE Learning Objects Metadata (LOM) standardization, ARIADNE foundation, and ProLearn NoE – EU FP6 project.
- ARIADNE - The ARIADNE Foundation creates tools and methodologies for producing, managing and reusing computer-based pedagogical elements and telematics supported training curricula. In particular, the Foundation has created a network of knowledge pool servers containing a large number of different learning objects and supported by different Web-based learning and management tools. The GOOD OLD AI research group is a member of the Foundation. The group maintains a local knowledge pool server and contributes to ARIADNE through its R&D activities. Dragan Gašević is a member of the GOOD OLD AI research group where he is coordinating a few activates related to the ARIADNE project. Dragan Gašević spent a month (September 2004) at K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, working on this project. This university is coordinating on the ARIADNE project.
- GOOD OLD AI portal – The project objective is to develop and maintain an authoritative Web portal in the area where the broad fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Software Engineering (SE) intersect. The portal centralizes access to information, applications, educational contents, and services for researchers, developers, and other users interested in artificial intelligence systems and knowledge engineering. It delivers a consolidated view that lets users access the most important electronic resources related to AI & SE, establish efficient communication, and exchange all relevant information. Dragan Gašević is involved in the development of the portal as a member of the GOOD OLD AI research group. Here are some of the projects:
- R&D projects of the GOOD OLD AI research group – Dragan Gašević is a developer, organizer, and leader of several ongoing projects of the GOOD OLD AI research group. Here are some of the recent projects:
- Modeling spaces
- AIR ODM Editor - An MDA-based ontology editor
- P3 - Petri net tool
- Petri net Semantic Web Infrastructure
- Ontology Definition Metamodel
- UMLtoOWL: Converter from UML to OWL
- JavaDON (supervisor)
- JessGUI (supervisor)
- Interoperability of knowledge bases using XML/XSLT (supervisor)
- PatternGuru – An ArgoUML-based tool for teaching software patterns (supervisor)
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