Jack Liu
June 24, 1982
2002-Present Simon Fraser University, Applied Science, Interactive Arts
A piece of practical knowledge I gained from the field school is how Italian Design is the result of the evolution through centuries of Italian culture and how it can be understood through study of the ideologies and actions of its designers and design studios. Very specific practices and processes happen upfront of and behind the field of Italian Design.
However, all things considered, the Italy field school for me is not only a wealth of practical school knowledge, but also a collection of lessons in life, bonding of friends, and meanings to always explore and learn.
I wish to help revive the field of Design in Canada in the future by participating intensely and passionately in its movements and progress. My formal education, current and continuous work at a media design firm and as a freelance designer, and no doubt my love for design and newfound knowledge in Italian Design will aid in the building of my future dream, to own and operate a design studio, renowned of course for its innovation… and Canadian roots.
- It would be hard for me to choose a single favorite moment in Italy, but a more recent one might find its use here. Instead of being in Italy, a cherished moment is when the research team gathers again in Vancouver to reminisce cherished moments in Italy (or mainly to resuscitate buried memories so that the team may continue its formal research). The Italy field school was a life changing experience and persists to be. I’m frequently reminded that from Italian Design to good company, it’s rarely the place, but always the people.
- Tom Rankin talks about at Renzo Piano’s Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome about how a design project can have profound and momentous effects, “[it’s a great process to actually be able to see the context before a project is designed. Then to see the whole. And then to see the building. And then 10 years later to see how it modifies… this was a vacant lot in between for a long time. And now we have a place. And that place is then having repercussions on the neighborhood around it, set into motion to a kind of transformation of an entire part of the city.”