In teams of two, the students research the history of Italian design from 1860 - 2000, again chunking time scales and teaching each other the parts (such as 1946-1965 Bel Design + the Economic Miracle) while assembling the whole. In later projects we have the opportunity to, more thoroughly, research a single designer or firm but for now we wish to get a general sense of the players and terrain. We then will be interviewing, visiting or encountering every single designer on this list, and bringing the history of Italian design alive. In this way, we first lay a foundation of understanding of the legacy of Italian industry, innovation and design, then in later projects we get into more detail on the emerging contemporary design history and figures. Finally, we look at the firms we will visit and interview with specificity by looking at the topics of how Italy is involved in productive innovation practices today.

Identity for a New Nation

The beginnings of Mass things

Bel Design + the Economic Miracle

Radical Design

Moda Market