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Friday, October 27th
Registration Tables Open
7:00 am – 3:00 pm | Closed for lunch break 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Location: Belzberg Atrium
7:00 – 8:00 am
Location: ICBC Concourse
Book Exhibit
7:00 – 5:00 pm
Location: ICBC Concourse
Panel 1A | Writing and Ideology
8:00 – 10:00 am
Location: WCC 100 | Asia Pacific Hall
Chair: Colin Whiting, Dumbarton Oaks
- The Martyrdom of Pagan Philosophers at Antioch in Ammianus Marcellinus’ Res Gestae 14 and 29 | Sergio Carlos Tamez, Ohio State Univeristy
- The Use of Language in Early Byzantine Missions: Instrument and Ideology | Yuliya Minets, University of Alabama
- Washing them White: “Ethiopians” in Byzantine Literature | Dane Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- The Prosperous, Holy Islandscape of Early Byzantine Cyprus | Young Richard Kim, University of Illinois at Chicago
Panel 1B | Byzantine Things
8:00 – 10:00 am
Location: WCC 320
Chair: Hallie Meredith, Washington State University
- Received Materiality and the Kyrenia Girdle: The Weight of Adornment Under The Reign Of Maurice Tiberius | Serena D'Alessandro, Florida State University
- Weaving Empire, Exchange, and Identity: The Microhistory of a Late Antique Silk Roundel | Clara Pinchbeck, Case Western Reserve University
- Constantine’s Chi-rho: Visual Expression of Power in the Imperial Roman Tradition | Sonia Dixon, Florida State University
- The Greek Gospel Lectionaries in the Libraries of Sultan Mehmed II and Malatesta Novello | Robert S. Nelson, Yale University emeritus
10:00 – 10:15 am
Location: ICBC Concourse
Panel 2A | Medieval Contact Zones: Literary Encounters around the Greek-Speaking World
10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Location: WCC 100 | Aisa Pacific Hall
Organizer: Ugo Mondini | Chair: Vessela Valiavitcharska, University of Maryland, College Park
- Education as Contact: Causes, Strategies, and Effects of New Teaching Methods, 10th-11th Centuries | Ugo Mondini, University of Oxford
- Love in the Contact Zone | Michael Cooperson, UCLA
- Power and Legitimacy in Context: John Kantakouzenos’ Rhetoric of Power Addressed to the Pope, the People of Constantinople, and the Mamluk Sultan | Andrea Cuomo, Ghent University
- Byzantium in Muscovy: A Global Age of Absolutism | Alexandra Vukovich, King's College London
Panel 2B | Studies in Iconography
10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Location: WCC 320
Chair: Georgios Makris, University of British Columbia
- From Monumental to Miniature: Networks of Meaning across Macro and Micro Mosaic Icons of Christ in Late Byzantium | Lindsay Corbett, McGill University
- What’s In a Name: An Unlabeled Iconography on a Group of Middle Byzantine Amulets | Caitlin Mims, Florida State University
- Flowers in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art | Amy Gillette, The Barnes Foundation
- Reassessing the Iconographies of Constantine and Helena | Lynn Jones, Florida State University
Lunch Break
12:15 – 2:00 pm
Location: ICBC Concourse
Graduate and Early Career Lunch | Beyond the Academy: Research, Careers and Public Engagement
Sponsored by the Mary Jaharis Centre for Byzantine Art and Culture
12:15 - 2:00pm
Location: WCC 420 | Strategy Room
Panelists: Tera Hedrick, Young Kim, Colin Whiting
Panel 3A | New Approaches to Religion in Byzantium, Part 1
2:00 - 4:00pm
Location: WCC 100 | Asia Pacific Hall
Session Organizers: Derek Krueger and Georgia Frank | Chair: Georgia Frank, Colgate University
- Icon Theory, Icon Practice: A Ritual Studies Approach to Middle Byzantine Worship with Images | Derek Krueger, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Idol/Icon | Alicia Walker, Bryn Mawr College
- Constructing Monastic Faith: How Archaeologists Misshaped the Material Religion of Monasticism | Darlene L. Brooks Hedstrom, Brandeis University
- Being is out of Joint: Maximos’ Unstable Ontology and its Significance for Contemporary Essentialisms | Luis Josué Salés, Scripps College
Panel 3B: History, Memory, and Prophecy in the Twelfth Century
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: WCC 320
Chair: Elias Petrou, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Prophecy, Apocalypse and Salvation in the Margins of John Zonaras, Niketas Choniates and George Akropolites | Julián Bértola, Princeton University
- Ekphrasis, Narrative, and Memory in the Chronike Diegesis of Niketas Choniates | Ethan Schmidt, Simon Fraser University
- Seeing in the Mind's Eye: Theories of Consciousness from Aristotle to Bachelard by Way of Byzantium | Christina Christoforatou, Baruch College, City University of New York
- An Oath of Fidelity in Cyprus: The 1191 Conquest in Mediterranean Political Cultures | Daniel Berardino, University of California, Berkley
4:00 – 4:15 pm
Location: ICBC Concourse
Panel 4A | New Approaches to Religion in Byzantium, Part 2
4:15 – 6:15 pm
Location: WCC 100 | Asia Pacific Hall
Session Organizers: Derek Krueger and Georgia Frank | Chair: Derek Krueger, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Rethinking Imperial Religion in Byzantium | George Demacopoulos, Fordham University
- “The Young Woman Neither Died nor Delivered”: Reading Difficult Labor as Religious Punishment in Early Byzantine Literature | Candace L. Buckner, Virginia Tech
- "Lived Religion" and Palm Sunday in Early Byzantium | Georgia Frank, Colgate University
Panel 4B | Technological Approaches
4:15 – 6:15 pm
Location: WCC 320
Chair: Brad Hostetler, Kenyon College
- Byzantine Manuscripts in Illinois: The Photostatic Facsimiles of St. Jerome’s Project at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | Elias Petrou, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Does My Computer Read Greek? Recognition Software and its Applications for Byzantine Greek Materials | Hannelore Segers, Beinecka Rare Book & Manuscript Library
- Digital Byzantium: Three Case Studies for Teaching the Byzantine World | Joseph Kopta, Temple University