How Dr. Tracy Brennand’s visionary leadership shaped the Department of Geography - a heartfelt thank-you

September 26, 2024

Over the past decade, Dr. Tracy Brennand has demonstrated exceptional leadership as the Chair in the Department of Geography – a role she held almost continuously from 2014 to 2024. During this period, she refashioned the Department in terms of its composition, mission and position in the greater university.  Dr. Brennand single-handedly transformed our Department in terms of degree offerings, EDI priorities, collegiality and cohesion.

Any work was always guided by her deep commitment to the students’ experience and the well-being of faculty and staff which earned her our trust and respect. We are not alone in feeling that Dr. Brennand’s leadership was truly remarkable. The recent external review praised many of the accomplishments the department achieved under her guidance. She was also recognized by the Canadian Association of Geographers with the Award for Service to the Profession of Geography in 2024.

Tracy Brennand teaching in the field, GEOG 313. March 2023

She started to transform the Department by establishing a vision and mission for the Department as well as a strategic plan. These were critical steps towards hiring 11 new faculty members during her tenure and allowing us to finally welcome the first Indigenous faculty member. Not only did we grow as a department but, under Dr. Brennand’s tutelage and support for innovation, our enrollment increased significantly as well.

Dr. Brennand initiated a review of the learning objectives for all of our undergraduate and graduate programs to guide their re-examination and revision. The establishment of three new programs (BA Human Geography, BA Urban Words, BSc Geographic Information Science) is perhaps the most tangible outcome of those efforts.

Space is scarce in universities and Dr. Brennand worked tirelessly to acquire a bright departmental meeting room and to win funds for much needed renovations. Under her leadership, we were able to renovate teaching labs, research space and social spaces, to create an Indigenous mural, and to make small upgrades throughout the department. As Geographers, we understand how much space matters and how impactful these efforts will be going forward.

Dr. Brennand has had a positive effect on the community aspects of the department by applying an EDI lens for activities as well as modeling truth and reconciliation efforts. She also strengthened ties with both the undergraduate and graduate student unions.

The Department is grateful for her hard work, tenacity and relentless efforts to advance our growth. Despite her profound professionalism, she always connects on a human level first and we are as grateful for her accomplishments as we are for her friendship. Dr. Brennand's leadership and dedication will continue to shape the Department of Geography for years to come.