Impact of Giving

Gifts to the Department of Geography at Simon Fraser University provide much needed support for students, research, and community engagement activities. We are grateful for the ongoing generosity of our supporters.

Helium Balloons Fieldschool

Geography Undergraduate Fieldwork Fund

The physical geography field school is all about seeing things from new perspectives. Thanks to a generous alumni donation, students on a recent field school were treated to a birds-eye view as they piloted tethered helium filled balloons and used a payload of time-lapse cameras to capture and map the ground surface.

The experience provided valuable opportunities to work through the challenges of full-scale data collection and processing, developing a workflow that took them from data capture to linking the resulting images to the surveyed ground surface. We look forward to building on this experience next year, continuing to provide students with quality educational field experiences, in partnership with those who support SFU Geography!

To find out more details see page 9 of the July 2019 Alumni Newsletter.  

Support Students

Want to make a difference in the lives of current students?  There are five key areas where your support is needed most:

Encouraging Diversity and Celebrating Excellence

We hope to establish awards that support First Nations students and those who are the first in their family to go to University.  We would also like to reward student excellence by diversifying our awards to provide in-kind gifts (e.g. lifetime software licences).

Upgrades to Teaching Equipment

We are looking to upgrade our teaching equipment and facilities to support innovative pedagogy and train the workforce of tomorrow.  We would be pleased to accept in-kind contributions in the form of targeted equipment and supplies from valued industry partners.

Graduate Entrance Scholarships

Geography Graduate Entrance scholarships help support qualified individuals who may be unable to attend for financial reasons.  They also help us to recruit a more diverse and exceptional cohort of students.

Please consider a gift to the “Geography Graduate Endowment Fund”

Undergraduate Student Experiential Learning

Broadening and deepening the experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate students is a priority in preparing students for the workforce of tomorrow. Increased funding will allow us to deliver critical learning experiences and ensure fieldwork is accessible to all.

  • Please consider a gift to the “Geography Undergraduate Fieldwork Fund”

Guest Lecture Funding

We are hoping to bring more professional geographers and community leaders into the classroom to provide our students with valuable information about future job opportunities in the field.

Find Out More

Contact - Wanda Dekleva, Director of Advancement
Phone – 778.782.8859  Email –

 Advance Research

As one of the top-ranked Geography departments in North America, our department is at the forefront of new research in human geography, earth system dynamics (ESD), and spatial and geographic information science (SGIS). Your donations can help support faculty and post-doctoral fellows in their work.

Learn more about our research areas and specializations