200 Level Courses

GEOG 213 - Introduction to Geomorphology 

This course includes two types of experiential learning – labs and a field trip – both of which facilitate skill development and exploration of course concepts. On the 2-day field trip in southern BC you will explore fundamental approaches, concepts and questions in geomorphology: How are mountains built? What controls topographic relief? Where do landscape materials come from? How do they get from mountain tops down to valley floors? Can we differentiate between landscapes formed by rivers and glaciers? This course is recommended to students interested in geography, earth science, environmental science, water science, natural resource management, and anyone who is curious about their natural surroundings.


GEOG 241 - Social Geography

In GEOG 241 you go beyond studying geography to becoming a geographer. Opportunities are provided to connect the theoretical and spatial approaches explored in the coursewith to real world geographies by conducting two “Doing Geography” fieldwork assignments in downtown Vancouver.  These assignments provide an opportunity to advance spatial awareness, research design, and geographic writing skills and build a foundation for success in upper level geography courses by allowing you to desing and conduct your own fieldwork.


GEOG 261- Encountering the City

Go to Town!  A Self-Directed Fieldtrip in Metro Vancouver

This self-directed fieldtrip is intended to help  ‘ground’ the knowledge developed in class within the spaces of our urban region.  It is also intended to indulge and enhance interest in exploring cities.  Specific objectives are: (1) to engage in experiential learning – to understand the city through direct encounters; (2) to connect concepts and themes from the course readings and lectures to real places in the city; (3) to replace a formal research essay with a different form of assignment that will provide a more visceral engagement with the city while still requiring you to learn by writing about urban geography.

Here’s what you will do:

  • Go to town.  Follow written instructions, a map, and a downloadable audio guide to at least 10 sites in the Metro Vancouver region indicated.  At each stop on the tour, listen to an audio commentary on your phone and look around the location.
  • Take note.  The written portion of this assignment asks you to reflect on your experience, based on field notes.  Participants are asked to take note of what they are seeing, hearing, feeling, and thinking during the trip.
  • Take selfies and other photos to illustrate their written report.
  • Write an essay.  In your written submission, reflect on your experience of the fieldtrip and relate your experiences to themes from the class.