Spatial Analysis:

    The main idea of this project was to create three different images showing the most suitable areas to place school bus stations.  To do this i used a few different types of criteria.  My data had to be split up this way to be able to effectively correspond to every aspect of my criteria.

This image below was created by using four different layers including vector and raster layers.  I assigned the Landuse image to only show residential areas LAND_ASSIGN .  I also used the SCHOOL_POLY vector image and assigned it into the three school classes seen below.  By adding the ROADS_PROJ and SCATH_POLYGON i gave this map a very good overall representation of the area in question.  The distributions of schools and catchment areas are very clearly seen with respect to residential areas and roads.

In this next image below we can see the most suitable streets for locating a school bus station for elementary schools.
Using the SCHOOL_ASSIGN image, which i converted to Idrisi and assigned, i isolated the elementary schools into ELEMBOOL with the Reclass utility.  Next i created a 1 km buffer around these pixels.  This buffer is simply my estimation of how far elementary students are willing to travel using non automobile transport.  Once i had my buffer zones in place i decided to create a fuzzy image to provide a more gradual illustration of distances from the schools.  Using the  ELEMDIST image i applied the Fuzzy utility using a J-Shaped curve, output data format of byte (0-255), monotonically decreasing function shape, with control points of 40 and 500.  My next step was to overlay my  ELEMBUFF image and the ROADS image using the first cover second function, which provided me with the  ELEMROADS image.  To achieve the image i have below i again used Overlay with  ELEMROADS and ELEMFUZZY which gave me EFUZZYROADS (the image below). The image below contains the school catchment layer which serves as a boundary to my image.  Any roads outside this catchment boundary are not suitable for school bus station placement.  The areas which fit into this boundary and are outside the buffer zone are the most suitable.  The fuzzy colour gradiant shows distances from the buffer zone, therefore the areas with the highest density of road within the gradiant would be considered most suitable.  


The next image below is showing the best areas for locating school bus stations to service high school students.  The steps to creating this image are pretty much the same as the image above except addressing only high schools.  Therefore using the SCHOOL_ASSIGN image i created HIGHBOOL .  Using a 1.5 km buffer, due to the fact that high school students are willing to travel further using non automobile transportation, i created HIGHBUFF .  Using the same settings for the Fuzzy utility as above, i created  HIGHFUZZY from the HIGHDIST image.  By overlaying the  HIGHBUFF and ROADS image i came up with HIGHROADS and then overlaid it with HIGHFUZZY .  After all this i came up with my final image seen below which i called HFUZZYROADS.  Yet again the most suitable areas for school bus pick ups and drop offs would be in road areas outside the 1.5 km buffer and within the school catchment boundaries.


This is my third and final image.  This last image shows the most suitable areas for school bus stops in terms of post secondary schools.  As i did for the first two images above, the same steps were taken to create this except for using post secondray schools.  I will jump through the steps very quickly here just to show the images of the process.   POSTBOOL image isolated the post secondary institutions.  Using a 3 km buffer i thought was necessary in this analysis because there are only two institutions of this kind in this district.  These are Capilano College and Canadian International College. The fact that there are only two institutions will increase the buffer zone significantly.  This buffer analysis provided me with POSTBUFF image.  And again the POSTFUZZY image was created by using POSTDIST as the input file.  By overlaying the ROADS and POSTBUFF i came up with POSTROADS .  To finalize this third image i overlaid the  POSTFUZZY and POSTROADS leaving me with PFUZZYROADS, the image below.


The analysis above clearly indicates the most suitable areas for locating the school bus stops in case this idea is further developed.  This project addresses the problems with traffic congestion in North Vancouver and by implementing a program such as this one many would benefit in more ways than one. Back to Top.