Problems and Errors:
    I encountered a few problems while doing this project.  Beggining with my data collection, the data i aquired from the internet was good but not enough to base a project on.  I decided too quickly to use this data and did not realize the problems i would have trying to combine it with data i collected from the S:\\ drive.  Most of my files were incompatible in the fact that it was very hard to match the images up to be able to do any proper analysis.  I did my best to reproject images and change around the reference units.  Although some worked, others did not come out as planned.  I was trying to get the WEIGHT and MCE utility working for a long time, but my images were just not compatible enough. Therefore i had to stick with other types of analysis.  

    Three quarters of the way into my project, after doing some more background research on the subject, i realized that some of the schools located in the City of Vancouver were not included in the shape files i downloaded even though they were included in the database.  This caused a lot of stress because i could not do anything to change that, due to the fact i was already too far into my project.  These type of problems are expected, but with more time to do data collection it could have been avoided.  Researching more data on the subject from other sources would have helped in avoiding this problem.
    The rasterization of some files such as roads or catchment areas resulted in loss of data which was also a problem.  The final images i produced did supply the most suitable areas for school bus stations.  If i had a better data source a more detailed analysis would have been possible but in these circumstances i believe i provided the best result possible.  


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