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Analysis:       Criteria 1      Criteria 2 & 3       Criteria 4

Criteria 4:  Social Indicator

Closely related to the school and park buffer zone, is population of young children and teenagers.  As show in the map, the red area are having both low young children and teenagers.  Some red areas are evitable with the result, for example New Westminster is a retiring city, I am not supprising to see it is under the third criteria.  One of the concentrated red zone is in downtown, the eastside and the Boardway commercial area.

There is another supporting reference, the education level.  Finding where the high concentrated low education area would indicate a high possible of more  homeless but as I mentioned before,  low education people not necessary a homelessness, but homelessness are usually in low education level.  As shown in the map, the downtown eastside area is again in this category.


When combining all the criteria, two indicators have to be come first:  income level and population of young children and teenagers.  Although downtown eastside area is not the worse in low income and unemployment analysis but it is still in the second category and it fulfill the low population of young children and teenagers.  The other two priorities criteria are the proximity from school, parks, commercial and public transit.  In this part, downtown eastside cannot pass the criteria of proximity from school, parks and commercial but it has penty access to public transit.  The last two supporting factors of average rental fee and education level is supprising match with the presumed result.  The following map show the Idrisi generated suitable location for homeless shelter.  Other than downtown eastside, it also shows several locations such as southern part of Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster and even a small area in North Vancouver.  However all these location are too remote and without support from the community.



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