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Data Sources

    All of my data is coming from the GEOG 355 DATA folder.  I use the 96 censes track "ct96" (raster format) as my base map and some vector and raster files from "gen".   All the censes track data table are coming come  "96 census/data/ct/<.mdb> files.

      Vector and raster files from original folder:

Map Layers

Data Preparation

Most of my map layers are generated from assigning data from <mdb> table to the raster ct96 map.  Before copying and pasting data  into Idrisi, I need to go through several procedure on converting data.  Since all of the data table are in Access format, the very first thing I need to do is convert them to Excel files <xls> format.   The next steps is to find the column(s) data that I need.  I have to go through all the tables and matching the field name with the provided "meterdata" files.  Some of the data are too specific and I need to do a macro calculation directly in Excel.  For example, in order to find the total population of children under 10 years old, I have to adding the field named "male: 0-5", "male: 5-9", "female: 0-5" and "female: 5-9" together to get the total number.  It took me  a long time to solve the problem of preparing data included editing data column(s) in MS-Words.

Once all the data are ready, I ASSIGN those selected data to "ct96" raster base map.  I have generated 8 census track maps base on the data table, two RECLASS maps from "landuse.rst" map and three vector rasterization maps.

        Generated base maps:

Map Layers
inl1000.rst (income < $1000) (without income)
rentamt.rst (ave. gross rent)
edulesg9.rst (edu. < grade 9)
edu-gd13.rst (edu. up to grade 13)
child10.rst (children under 10 yrs)
teen.rst (total teenagers)
insit-bool.rst (institutional areas)
comer-bool.rst (commercial areas)
park-rest (parks area)

Background research materiel

1.    Most of my knowledge on locating a homeless shelter research are coming from my previous project with a similar topic on  "Homeless Shelter and Assisted Housing".
2.    The background reasearch is coming from the web sit :


          Index Page      Background        Methodology       Data Collection        Data Manipulation       Spatial Analysis and Result       Problems