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Analysis:       Criteria 1      Criteria 2 & 3      Criteria 4

Criteria 2:  Proximity to Skytrain and Main Roads

Skytrain and public transit is another factors on location analysis.  It is not an essential "must" but it can help the homeless people to get to shelters or to any food aid organization.  The 150 meters buffer zone is set to accommodate the both sides (explained in Methodology).  Again this criteria is only a factor, it is not enough to determent a location for homeless shelters.

Criteria 3:  Socio-economic indicator

The first indicator to find homeless people is the income level.  The areas with high population of income under $1000 or without income are most likely to have higher population of homelessness.  As show in the map, the green parts meet  neither one factors and the blue areas are having both high population of low income and without income.  There is a concentrated high number in Southern part of Vancouver, North & East Richmond, along the boundary of city Burnaby and Vancouver and some part in Surrey.  One of the interested blue area is in north Coquitlam where known as the "West Wood plateau".  For my knowledge, the area should be a high class residential area, and it surprisingly show up as a high low income area.  It most likely not a suitable area for homeless shelters.

The unemployment is than add on the low income factors.  The yellow areas meet all three factors and again the four region mentioned in the last image are still dominantly in high number.   The "west wood plateau" are is still inside the margins.  Other than looking at all three factors,  the second best fit criteria (blue area) could also taken into account.  There is a large area in east Richmond and Surrey under this category but what I would more concern is the downtown east-side area and area along Kingsway.

One additional indicator I added on, is the average rental fee in the GVRD.  Again this factors is only act as a supporting references.  The purple area is the area with low average rental fee.  The only areas that show up in this category are downtown east-side and two remote islands. The reason for the two island show up as this category properbly due to low residential population.   It could understand that low rental fee make homeless or low income people stay in that area where necessity are more affordable.


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